PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 2 MB 2019-78 2019-11-18 Charges Establishing a public hearing for January 6, 2020, to consider amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee for roadway facilities and authorizing the publication of notice for said hearing.
- 398 KB 2021-48 2021-09-07 Charges Repealing Resolution Nos. 15-[19]90; 03-[19]96; and 09-2003 related to Capital Improvements Advisory Committee because provisions related to CIAC will be instead, by ordinance, codified into the City Code.
- 371 KB 2022-31 2022-09-06 Charges Ordering a public hearing for October 17, 2022, to consider amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan, and the imposition of an impact fee for water and wastewater facilities; and authorizing the publication of notice for said hearing.
- 87 KB 2003-63 2003-11-17 Cemetery Amending the Financing Agreement with the Mesquite Cemetery Trust adopted by Resolution No. 56-2002.
- 69 KB 1980-27 1980-09-29 Cable TV Authorize Storer Cable TV to run cable through Mesquite
- 95 KB 1982-20 1982-08-09 Cable TV Expressing opposition to S.B. 2172 re control over Cable TV
- 202 KB 1983-10 1983-02-21 Cable TV Express opposition to S.B. 66 re local authority over Cable TV
- 37 KB 1984-31 1984-12-17 Cable TV Require Warner Amex to correct violations re Cable TV
- 105 KB 1990-34 1990-07-02 Cable TV Identifying non-compliance of cable franchise and enumerating improvements.
- 82 KB 1990-45 1990-09-17 Cable TV Rescind Res 34-90 rel to comp w/cable television franchise quality of service standards
- 95 KB 1993-11 1993-06-07 Cable TV Auth CM to file doc und 1992 Cable Act to reg basic cab rates/activate FCC's auth to reg all other tiers
- 81 KB 1962-35 1962-08-20 Budget Provide funds for maintenance and operation of various department
- 62 KB 1963-30 1963-08-19 Budget Provide funds for maintenance and operation of various departments
- 92 KB 1964-32 1964-08-03 Budget Funds provided for fiscal year beginning 10-1-64 and ending 09-30-65
- 78 KB 1965-37 1965-08-02 Budget Provide funds for fiscal year beginning 10-1-65 and ending 09-30-66
- 395 KB 1968-42 1968-08-05 Budget Adopt 1967-68 budget
- 454 KB 1969-12 1969-07-21 Budget Adopt 1968-69 budget
- 75 KB 1999-56 1999-12-20 Annexation Adopting an Annexation Plan.
- 891 KB 2006-31 2006-06-05 Annexation Directing that staff give written notice of the City's intent to annex certain property in its ETJ & draft a service plan for the area.
- 915 KB 2006-38 2006-06-19 Annexation Setting dates, times and places for public hearings on the proposed annexation of certain property in the ETJ.
Total : 3074 Page