PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 159 KB 1984-07 1984-03-12 Grant Authorize submission of grant to Urban Mass Transportation Adm.
- 508 KB 1984-08 1984-03-12 Alley - Assessment Between Monterrey Trail and Tierra Drive
- 191 KB 1984-09 1984-04-07 Election Canvass results of election held 4-7-84 City Council
- 96 KB 1984-10 1984-04-16 Misc. Support of Sesquicentennial Committee
- 77 KB 1984-11 1984-04-16 Highways Support of Increased Highway Funding
- 197 KB 1984-13 1984-05-21 Highways Relocation of access ramp of I635 north of Town east Blvd.
- 159 KB 1984-14 1984-06-18 Mesquite Dev Guide Adoption of 1984 Mesquite Development Guide
- 83 KB 1984-15 1984-07-02 Housing Rescind Res. 14-82 to abolish Mesquite Housing and Community Development Committee
- 263 KB 1984-16 1984-07-02 Street - Assessment Reconstruction of Town East Blvd. from Town eAst Mall to N. Galloway
- 156 KB 1984-17 1984-07-02 Street Street Improvement Policy - Developers requirements for streets
- 108 KB 1984-18 1984-07-16 Grant Amend Res. No. 7-84 authorize filing grant application UMTA
- 93 KB 1984-19 1984-07-16 Highways Authorize agreement with Dept. of Highway & Public Transportation - Lighting on I30
- 362 KB 1984-20 1984-08-06 Grant Proposed use of 1984-85 CDBG funds $619,661
- 182 KB 1984-21 1984-08-06 Street - Assessment Close public hearing re construction of Town East Blvd.
- 174 KB 1984-22 1984-09-17 Misc. Establish internal grievance procedure for handicapped persons
- 86 KB 1984-23 1984-09-17 Misc. Agreement with Mesquite Social Services re surplus commodities
- 95 KB 1984-24 1984-09-28 Grant Development Aid Program for Hudson Airport meeting 9-28-84
- 97 KB 1984-24A 1984-10-01 Issuance of Bonds Notice of intent to issue C.O.'s Data Processing Equipment
- 87 KB 1984-25 1984-10-22 Highways Agreement with Dept. of Highways re relocation of utility lines
- 252 KB 1984-26 1984-11-05 Street Adopt revised alley paving policy including utility easements
Total : 3045 Page