PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 395 KB 1968-42 1968-08-05 Budget Adopt 1967-68 budget
- 454 KB 1969-12 1969-07-21 Budget Adopt 1968-69 budget
- 69 KB 1980-27 1980-09-29 Cable TV Authorize Storer Cable TV to run cable through Mesquite
- 95 KB 1982-20 1982-08-09 Cable TV Expressing opposition to S.B. 2172 re control over Cable TV
- 202 KB 1983-10 1983-02-21 Cable TV Express opposition to S.B. 66 re local authority over Cable TV
- 37 KB 1984-31 1984-12-17 Cable TV Require Warner Amex to correct violations re Cable TV
- 105 KB 1990-34 1990-07-02 Cable TV Identifying non-compliance of cable franchise and enumerating improvements.
- 82 KB 1990-45 1990-09-17 Cable TV Rescind Res 34-90 rel to comp w/cable television franchise quality of service standards
- 95 KB 1993-11 1993-06-07 Cable TV Auth CM to file doc und 1992 Cable Act to reg basic cab rates/activate FCC's auth to reg all other tiers
- 87 KB 2003-63 2003-11-17 Cemetery Amending the Financing Agreement with the Mesquite Cemetery Trust adopted by Resolution No. 56-2002.
- 193 KB 1990-15 1990-04-02 Charges Express City intent to establish impact fees, name a capital imp. adv. comm. and est. procedural rules
- 99 KB 1990-55 1990-12-03 Charges Determining need for a P Hto be held January 21, 1991, to consider land use assumptions
- 3 MB 1991-04 1991-02-04 Charges Adopt land use assumptions for the City relating to the water and wastewater impact fee program
- 159 KB 1996-03 1996-02-19 Charges Establish Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for purpose of adopting impact fees.
- 164 KB 1996-04 1996-02-19 Charges Set date for ph to cons land use assumpt w/I designated svc areas re adoption of impact fees.
- 3 MB 1996-15 1996-05-06 Charges Adopting Land Use Assumptions for impact fees.
- 189 KB 1996-17 1996-06-03 Charges Establish date for ph to consider adoption of Capital Improvements Plans & Impact Fees.
- 1 MB 1996-41 1996-11-18 Charges Establishing guidelines for the administration of Impact Fees.
- 288 KB 2000-28 2000-07-05 Charges Approving Impact Fee Abatement Agreement w/The Industrial Group (TIG).
- 99 KB 2003-09 2003-03-03 Charges Amending the organizational structure and rules of procedure for the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
Total : 3040 Page