PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 54 KB 1998-27 1998-08-17 Moratorium Adopt 90-day study period before accepting new appls for miniwarehses or expansion of existing facilities.
- 61 KB 2007-29 2007-08-06 Grant Adopt 2007-08 CDBG Program and Annual Action Plan, designate Chief Executive Officer & authorize filing of application.
- 160 KB 2006-48 2006-08-07 Grant Adopt 2006-07 CDBG Program & Annual Action Plan, designate CEO & authorize filing of appl. under Housing & Comm. Dev. Act.
- 68 KB 2001-33 2001-07-02 Grant Adopt 2001-02 CDBG Annual Action Plan.
- 454 KB 1969-12 1969-07-21 Budget Adopt 1968-69 budget
- 395 KB 1968-42 1968-08-05 Budget Adopt 1967-68 budget
- 192 KB 1996-38 1996-10-21 Moratorium Adopt 120-day moratorium on issuance of permits for communications facilities (cellular antennas.)
- 9 MB 1995-03 1995-02-20 Mesquite Dev Guide Adopt "Mesquite Development Guide: 1994 Update" as City's interim gen plan & dev policies
- 3 MB 1986-11 1986-03-17 Misc. Addition to Falcon's Lair Utility and Reclamation District
- 936 KB 1986-12 1986-03-17 Misc. Addition to Falcon's Lair Utility and Reclamation District
- 93 KB 1970-06 1970-03-16 Street Addendum to contract with Cecil Ruby Co., Town East Blvd. curbing
- 138 KB 1970-05 1970-03-16 Street Addendum to contract with Cecil Ruby Co., provide widening of Gross Rd.
- 242 KB 1975-07 1975-03-03 Misc. Action of General Services Administration in withholding Generator No. HEW 75-6-1537-C
- 161 KB 1978-04 1978-02-06 Drainage Acquisition of properties (Sherwood Forest) Southwest Mesquite Drive Project
- 164 KB 1978-10 1978-03-06 Drainage Acquisition of properties (Sherwood Forest) Southwest Mesquite Drainage Project
- 310 KB 1975-30 1975-10-06 Highways Access ramps on U. S. Highway 80 at Gus Thomasson Road
- 79 MB 2019-40 2019-05-20 Tax Accepting the preliminary Service and Assessment Plan for authorized improvements within the Polo Ridge Public Improvement District (PID) No. 2, setting a date for a public hearing on the proposed Levy of Assessments, authorizing the publication and mailing of notice, and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
- 81 MB 2019-36 2019-05-06 Tax Accepting the preliminary Service and Assessment Plan for authorized improvements within the Iron Horse Public Improvement District (PID), setting a date for a public hearing on the proposed Levy of Assessments, authorizing the publication and mailing of notice and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
- 23 MB 2018-41 2018-07-16 Tax Accepting the preliminary Service and Assessment Plan for authorized improvements within the Heartland Town Center Public Improvement District (PID), setting a date for public hearing on the proposed Levy of Assessments, authorizing the publication and mailing of notice, and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
- 8 MB 2023-24 2023-06-20 Tax Accepting the Preliminary Service and Assessment Plan for authorized improvements within Improvement Areas A-1; C-1, C-2 and C-3 of the Solterra Public Improvement District; setting a date for public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments; authorizing the publication and mailing of notice; and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
Total : 3074 Page