PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 162 KB 2002-45 2002-09-03 Misc. Ratify expenditure of $59,066.00 to Berger Engineering Company for emergency contract for chiller at City Hall.
- 98 KB 2002-63 2002-12-02 Misc. Ratify expenditure of $63,344.63 to Moss Construction Company for emergency repairs to the Long Branch Lift Station.
- 78 KB 2001-08 2001-03-05 Sewer Ratify expenditure of $900 without bidding for emergency sewer repairs at 3429 Statler Dr.
- 82 KB 2000-33 2000-08-07 Sewer Ratify expenditure of $94,410.00 for emergency repairs to So Mesq Creek San.Sewer Line near Lawson Rd.
- 965 KB 2005-28 2005-07-18 NTMWD Ratifying execution of Lower East Fork Wastewater Inceptor System contract w/North Texas Municipal Water District.
- 213 KB 2005-45 2005-10-17 Water Ratifying expenditure of $231,373.79 w/o competitive bidding for emergency repairs to water main under IH 635.
- 327 KB 2004-38 2004-09-07 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $25,000 to Natgun Corp. for emergency repairs to Southeast Pump Station.
- 41 KB 2007-12 2007-04-02 Water Ratifying expenditure of $34,920 for emergency repairs to water main @ IH30 & N Galloway & authorize pmt to Jim Bowman.
- 46 KB 2006-63 2006-09-18 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $51,850.47 to Municipal Water Works supply for water parts & add'l $70,000 for repairs - # 2006-034.
- 76 KB 2006-30 2006-06-05 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $55,579.43 to Berger Engineering Co. for emergency purchase/installation of chiller @ Florence Comm. Ctr.
- 85 KB 2003-35 2003-07-21 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $72,413.04 to Moss Construction for emergency repairs to Long Branch Lift Station.
- 64 KB 2007-24 2007-06-04 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $78,360 to Berger Engineering Co. for emergency replacement of water lines at Municipal Center.
- 12 MB 2021-04 2021-02-01 NTMWD Ratifying the approval and the execution of a settlement agreement and a first amendment to North Texas Municipal Water District Regional Water Supply Facilities Amendatory Contract.
- 231 KB 2021-24 2021-05-03 Personnel Ratifying the City Manager’s execution of the revision and restatement to the City of Mesquite’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan with Lincoln Financial Group as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
- 554 KB 2016-22 2016-05-02 Personnel Ratifying the execution of the revision and restatement by the City Manager to the City’s 401(a) Supplemental Retirement Plan with Lincoln Financial Group as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
- 552 KB 2016-23 2016-05-02 Personnel Ratifying the execution of the revision and restatement by the City Manager to the City’s 457(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan with VALIC as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
- 41 KB 2008-26 2008-06-02 Sewer Ratifying the expenditure of $146,291.00 without competitive bidding for emergency repairs to the 36-inch-diameter sanitary sewer aerial crossing on North Mesquite Creek (south of Edwards Church Road) and authorizing payment to B&B Concrete Sawing for such repairs.
- 801 KB 2015-19 2015-05-04 Sewer Ratifying the expenditure of $147,511.60 without competitive bidding to protect the public health and safety to repair the 12-inch-diameter sanitary sewer aerial crossing on South Mesquite Creek (north of Faithon P. Lucas, Senior Boulevard) and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 763 KB 2015-01 2015-01-05 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $167,316.33 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 24-inch-diameter sanitary sewer force main at the Long Branch Lift Station and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 170 KB 2010-17 2010-05-03 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $51,679.00 without competitive bidding for the emergency replacement of the hydraulic oil line, traveling cable, hoist way wire way and hydraulic cylinder for the passenger elevator at the Municipal Center and authorizing payment to Kone, Inc., for such services.
Total : 3074 Page