PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 221 KB 1995-15 1995-05-15 Grant Authorize submission of grant appl w/Dept of Transp under Urban Mass Trans Act.
- 165 KB 1995-14 1995-05-08 Election Declaring results of joint election held on 5/6/95 for purpose of electing Mayor & CC for Places 1,2&6.
- 120 KB 1995-13 1995-05-01 Moratorium Declare moratorium on iss of bld permts for duplex/townhouse res struct to allow review of zoning conformance w/appl policies.
- 187 KB 1995-12 1995-03-20 State Support most conv/costeffective means to admin Sta Veh Emisions Test Prog/call Congress to enact leg to ext Clean Air Act deadline.
- 184 KB 1995-11 1995-03-20 Election Establish precincts & location of polling places for annual City election
- 106 KB 1995-10 1995-03-20 Election Appoint representative to Early Voting Ballot Board for 5/6/95 Joint Election
- 108 KB 1995-09 1995-03-20 State Urge State Leg to enact bill allow person 18 yrs of age before gen elect for State/Cnty officers to vote in preceding prim elections
- 99 KB 1995-08 1995-03-06 Grant Auth subm of grant appl to US Dept of Justice for partial funding of 4 addl police officers under the COPS AHEAd prog.
- 2 MB 1995-07 1995-03-06 Election Auth Mayor to execute Joint Elect Agree & Elect Serv Cont in connectiom w/ annual elect
- 172 KB 1995-06 1995-03-06 Highways Request Tex Turnpike Auth name proposed SH190 Tollway & future extension in honor of frmr Pres George Bush
- 364 KB 1995-05 1995-02-20 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 6, 1995.
- 87 KB 1995-04 1995-02-20 State Authorize City participation in Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Prog admin by TDOT
- 9 MB 1995-03 1995-02-20 Mesquite Dev Guide Adopt "Mesquite Development Guide: 1994 Update" as City's interim gen plan & dev policies
- 171 KB 1995-02 1995-02-20 Grant Auth subm of grant app to State Criminal Justice Div for partic in Youth violence prevention program
- 91 KB 1995-01 1995-02-20 Municipal Court Authorize payment schedule for Alternate Municipal Judges.
- 631 KB 1994-48 1994-12-02 Easement Determine public necessity exists & authorize eminent domain condemnation to acquire easements for So Mesq Creek Channel Imp Project.
- 187 KB 1994-47 1994-12-02 Issuance of Bonds Authorize official intent to reimburse costs of City of Mesquite Improvement Projects.
- 110 KB 1994-46 1994-11-21 Records Management Auth submission of a petition to the State Library for ext of the records control schedule filing deadline
- 193 KB 1994-45 1994-11-07 Issuance of Bonds Dir publ of Not of Intent to issue Wtrworks/Sewr Sys Rev Imp Bonds Ser 1994 in amt not to exceed $6,380,000.00
- 182 KB 1994-44 1994-11-07 Issuance of Bonds Direct publ of Notice of Intent to issue Comb Tax & Rev CO's, Series 1994, in the amt of $6,440,000.00
Total : 3048 Page