PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 102 KB 1988-33 1988-08-01 Tax Designating certain changes of important to Texas cities to Tax Reform Act of 1986.
- 88 KB 1988-37 1988-08-15 Tax Support Legislation to require State Comptroller disclose information re hotel-motel tax
- 90 KB 1988-39 1988-08-15 Tax Legislation to prevent issuing tax certificates
- 83 KB 1988-40 1988-08-15 Tax Support to allow cities touse hotel-motel tax receipts
- 175 KB 1988-48 1988-10-03 Tax Change fiscal year for DCAD to a Sep 1 through Aug 31 fiscal year
- 403 KB 1988-57 1988-12-19 Tax Public hearing on creation of Industrial Tax Abatement
- 80 KB 1989-03 1989-01-16 Tax Urging Board of Directors of DCAD to amend limitation on terms of Appraisal Review Board
- 2 MB 1989-07 1989-02-20 Tax Tax Abate Agree bet City/MISD/Dallas Co Community College Dist/Dallas Co Hospital Dist/Gulf State Toyota
- 323 KB 1989-35 1989-10-02 Tax Creation of Reinvestment Zone No. Three for Commercial/Industrial tax abatement
- 145 KB 1989-37 1989-11-06 Tax Cast vote for 4th member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 88 KB 1989-40 1989-12-04 Tax Express option to continue to tax property that has been exempted by the voters under Proposition #5.
- 1 MB 1989-43 1989-12-18 Tax Enter into commercial/industrial tax abatement agreement with AT&T.
- 85 KB 1990-10 1990-03-19 Tax Express option to continue to tax property exempt by voters on 11/7/89 under Prop #5-"Freeport Amend"
- 106 KB 1990-24 1990-05-07 Tax Authorize Board of Dir-DCAD to negotiate & enter into formal agree for purchase/lease fac as dist offices
- 1 MB 1990-47 1990-10-01 Tax Approve terms & conditions of an agreement between City, MISD, & AT&T & authorize Mayor to execute.
- 411 KB 1991-09 1991-04-15 Tax Calling public hearing for 5/6/91 to consider creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 4.
- 1 MB 1991-14 1991-05-20 Tax Approve terms & authorize execution of tax abate agree for The Medical Center of Mesq.
- 226 KB 1991-15 1991-06-03 Tax Approve the DCAD's 1991-92 budget.
- 95 KB 1991-16 1991-07-15 Tax Express support of adopt of addl 1/2 of 1% sales/use tax to be used to reduce the prop tax rate.
- 86 KB 1991-23 1991-08-12 Tax Declare results of Spec Elect held 8-10-91-Adopt addl. sales tax of one-half of one percent.
Total : 3078 Page