PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 50 KB 2002-13 2002-03-18 Dallas County Interlocal agreement w/Dallas County for the purchase of traffic striping paints.
- 247 KB 2003-21 2003-06-02 Drainage Interlocal Agreement w/MISD - Participation in drainage improvements in McWhorter Park.
- 252 KB 2002-12 2002-03-18 Sewer Interlocal agreement w/MISD to install 700 ft of sanitary sewer line at Hanby Stadium.
- 4 MB 2000-06 2000-02-07 Misc. Interlocal agrmt w/MISD to purchase 7 sets of solar-powered school flashers.
- 102 KB 1979-19 1979-05-21 Misc. Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with City of Farmers Branch
- 353 KB 1987-06 1987-02-02 Highways Interstate Highway ROW southwest of N. Galloway and I635
- 533 KB 2004-52 2004-12-06 Tax Issuance of Notice of Intention to establish a TIF for Villages of Bigtown and calling a Public Hearing for 12/20/04.
- 284 KB 1965-21 1965-05-17 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 135 KB 1965-28 1965-07-06 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 319 KB 1965-40 1965-08-16 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 143 KB 1965-43 1965-09-07 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 229 KB 1964-29 1964-06-01 Street - Assessment Jardin Drive from Newsom St. to Paza Drive
- 96 KB 1963-41 1963-11-23 Misc. John Connally suffers from wounds of assassin.
- 74 KB 1999-53 1999-11-15 Franchise - Gas Join w/other cities in Gas Utilities Docket #8976 re TXU Gas Company rates and service.
- 4 MB 2003-07 2003-03-03 Election Joint Election Agreement and Election Services Contrct for annual City Election
- 320 KB 1962-25 1962-07-02 Street - Assessment Juanita St. from Ridgecrest Avenue to 75 fees west of Lee Street
- 257 KB 1978-24 1978-10-16 Drainage Just compensation for Southwest Mesquite Drainage Project
- 154 KB 1963-38 1963-11-11 Street - Assessment Kearney St. form N. Galloway Ave. to gross Rd., Ebrite St. from Kearney St. to McKinney
- 347 KB 1963-29 1963-08-19 Street - Assessment Kearney St. from N. Galloway Ave. to gross Rd., Ebrite St. from Kearney to McKinney,
- 279 KB 1964-38 1964-12-07 Street - Assessment Kearney St., Ebrite St. from Kearney, Lawrence St. from Kearney St.
Total : 3073 Page