PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 672 KB 2022-21 2022-05-16 City Council Adopting strategic goals and objectives for fiscal year 2022-2023.
- 592 KB 2023-18 2023-05-01 City Council Adopting strategic goals and objectives for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
- 524 KB 2024-22 2024-05-20 City Council Adopting the City Council’s Strategic Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
- 193 KB 1990-15 1990-04-02 Charges Express City intent to establish impact fees, name a capital imp. adv. comm. and est. procedural rules
- 99 KB 1990-55 1990-12-03 Charges Determining need for a P Hto be held January 21, 1991, to consider land use assumptions
- 3 MB 1991-04 1991-02-04 Charges Adopt land use assumptions for the City relating to the water and wastewater impact fee program
- 159 KB 1996-03 1996-02-19 Charges Establish Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for purpose of adopting impact fees.
- 164 KB 1996-04 1996-02-19 Charges Set date for ph to cons land use assumpt w/I designated svc areas re adoption of impact fees.
- 3 MB 1996-15 1996-05-06 Charges Adopting Land Use Assumptions for impact fees.
- 189 KB 1996-17 1996-06-03 Charges Establish date for ph to consider adoption of Capital Improvements Plans & Impact Fees.
- 1 MB 1996-41 1996-11-18 Charges Establishing guidelines for the administration of Impact Fees.
- 288 KB 2000-28 2000-07-05 Charges Approving Impact Fee Abatement Agreement w/The Industrial Group (TIG).
- 99 KB 2003-09 2003-03-03 Charges Amending the organizational structure and rules of procedure for the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
- 78 KB 2003-36 2003-07-21 Charges Calling a public hearing to be held September 2, 2003 regarding update of roadway impact fee regulations.
- 78 KB 2003-24 2003-06-16 Charges Calling a public hearing to be held Aug. 4, 2003 regarding update of the roadway impact fee regulations.
- 259 KB 2005-46 2005-10-17 Charges Calling PH to be held Monday, November 21, 2005 @ 3:00 p.m. to consider amendments to Roadway Impact Fees.
- 1 MB 2015-14 2015-03-02 Charges Establishing a public hearing for April 20, 2015, to consider land use assumptions and capital improvements plans for water and wastewater facilities under which impact fees may be imposed, and amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee for roadway facilities, and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
- 8 MB 2015-20 2015-05-04 Charges Approving land use assumptions and a capital improvements plan pertaining to a proposed impact fee program for water and wastewater facilities within the City and the extraterritorial jurisdiction.
- 1 MB 2015-21 2015-05-04 Charges Establishing a public hearing for June 15, 2015, to consider amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee for roadway facilities, and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
- 1 MB 2015-22 2015-05-04 Charges Establishing a public hearing for June 15, 2015, to consider adoption of impact fees for water and wastewater facilities and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
Total : 3074 Page