PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 187 KB 1988-23 1988-06-20 Misc. Establishing and designating a no cruising area
- 142 KB 1988-22 1988-06-06 NCTCOG Adopt Legislative Strategy for Clean Air Act prepared by North Central Texas COG.
- 189 KB 1988-21 1988-05-16 Airport Establish need for acquiring additional property located adjacent to Phil Hudson Airport
- 611 KB 1988-20 1988-05-16 Street Authorize final offer for purchase of right-of-way along Town East Blvd.
- 189 KB 1988-19 1988-05-16 Issuance of Bonds Authorize publication of Notice of Intention to issue Certificates of Obligation
- 96 KB 1988-18 1988-05-16 Street Authorize Mayor to execute interlocal agreement with Dallas County, Study on Highway 190
- 308 KB 1988-17 1988-05-16 Street Authorize reconstruction of E. Kearney St., between Kimbrough St. & Hwy 352
- 173 KB 1988-16 1988-05-16 Election Declaring results of May 7 election for Places 3, 4, and 5 Councilmembers
- 345 KB 1988-15 1988-05-02 Tax Call Public Hearing Reinvestment Zone commercial/industrial tax abatement
- 172 KB 1988-14 1988-05-02 Dallas County Endorse Dallas County Bond Proposal for new jail facility
- 330 KB 1988-13 1988-04-18 Issuance of Bonds Authorize publication of Notice of Intention to issue Certificates of Obligation
- 81 KB 1988-12 1988-04-04 Highways Consider proposed improvement of traffic access from U.S. Hwy. 80 to Southeast Mesquite
- 86 KB 1988-11 1988-04-04 Street Execute contract for professional appraisal services for improvement of Lawson Road
- 179 KB 1988-10 1988-04-04 Election Appointing judges and alternate judges for 5-7-88 General Election
- 88 KB 1988-09 1988-04-04 Tax Declaring City of Mesquite elected to participate in a Tax Abatement Program
- 381 KB 1988-08 1988-04-04 Personnel Adopt policy prohibiting sexual harassment by or against City employees
- 799 KB 1988-07 1988-04-04 Tax Adopt procedural guidelines and criteria evaluating reinvestment zone applications
- 442 KB 1988-06 1988-02-15 Election Call annual City Election; establish precincts and location of polling places
- 92 KB 1988-05 1988-01-18 Grant Authorize of Texas Emergency Shelter Grants Program to Texas Dept. of Community Affairs
- 90 KB 1988-04 1988-01-18 Election Provide run-off election date
Total : 3073 Page