PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 98 KB 1990-42 1990-08-20 Grant Authorize fourth-yr fund of cont w/SDHPT for Selective Traffic Enf Program, National Maximum Speed Limit
- 100 KB 1990-41 1990-08-20 Highways Request TH&PTC act favorably re proposed extension of SH 190 fm. SH 78 to IH 20
- 190 KB 1990-40 1990-08-20 Grant Authorize filing of appl-$553,322 for federal funds under the Housing and Comm. Development Act
- 98 KB 1990-39 1990-08-06 Street - Assessment Accept low bid Tiseo Pav Co. for reconst Samuell fm Town East to cty lmts-app suppl City/County agreement
- 284 KB 1990-38 1990-08-06 Street - Assessment Close p h concerning assessments for reconstruction of Samuell Blvd., fm. Town East to city limits
- 92 KB 1990-37 1990-08-06 Grant Endorsing grant funding for Police Dept.'s Law Enforcement Teaching Students program
- 83 KB 1990-36 1990-08-06 State Authorizing participation in the State of Texas Purchasing Program
- 94 KB 1990-35 1990-08-03 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support legislation requiring newspaper publishers to use recycled newsprint.
- 105 KB 1990-34 1990-07-02 Cable TV Identifying non-compliance of cable franchise and enumerating improvements.
- 271 KB 1990-33 1990-07-02 Street - Assessment Close P H concerning assessments for construction of Towne Centre Dr. fm. IH 635 to Gus Thomasson Rd.
- 1019 KB 1990-32 1990-07-02 Street - Assessment PH to consider assess. for Samuell Blvd. Pav. & Drain. Imp. between Town East Blvd. & City Limits.
- 90 KB 1990-31 1990-06-18 Texas Municipal League Urge TML encrg State Brd Of Ins. & Fire Marshal's off. to review current procedures & initiate changes.
- 100 KB 1990-30 1990-06-18 Texas Municipal League Urge TML sprt leg. reg. hotel/motel subj. local hotel occp tax-surety bnd/cash dep.-insure pay clct taxes.
- 104 KB 1990-29 1990-06-18 Personnel Est Deferred Comp Plan w/U.S. Conf. of Mayors-all elig city emp/elect off/indep cont. purs to Fed. Leg.
- 187 KB 1990-28 1990-06-18 Misc. Support National Endowment for the Arts Reauthorization.
- 90 KB 1990-27 1990-06-04 Street - Assessment Accept low bid Ed Bell Const. for reconst Bruton fm. 635 to Pioneer & approv. suppl City/County agreement
- 265 KB 1990-26 1990-06-04 Street - Assessment Close public hearing concerning assessments for imp. to Bruton Rd., fm. IH 635 to Pioneer Rd.
- 271 KB 1990-25 1990-06-04 Street - Assessment P H consider assessment for Towne Centre Dr. Pav. & Drainage Imp. bet. IH 635 & Gus Thomasson Rd.
- 106 KB 1990-24 1990-05-07 Tax Authorize Board of Dir-DCAD to negotiate & enter into formal agree for purchase/lease fac as dist offices
- 1 MB 1990-23 1990-05-07 Street - Assessment P H to consider assessments for Bruton Rd. Paving & Drainage Imp. between I.H. 635 and Pioneer Rd
Total : 3073 Page