PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 180 KB 1986-39 1986-12-01 Highways Construct exit ramps from I635 to New Market, Scyene & Military
- 1 MB 1986-40 1986-12-01 City Council Adopt revised rules of procedure
- 255 KB 1986-37 1986-11-17 Alley - Assessment Reconstruction of alley between Antilles and La Prada
- 78 KB 1986-38 1986-11-17 Misc. Execute contract with University of Texas Health Science Center
- 88 KB 1986-36 1986-11-03 Mesq Thoroughfare Plan Amend thoroughfare plan Mesquite Valley Road
- 91 KB 1986-35 1986-10-06 Misc. Support of 1986 Greater Dallas Mobility Plan
- 96 KB 1986-31 1986-09-15 Personnel Oppose early retirement for fire and police to State Senators
- 397 KB 1986-32 1986-09-15 Misc. Unregulated transportation of hazardous materials
- 176 KB 1986-33 1986-09-15 Street - Assessment Pampa Drive from Leyenda to Tierra
- 266 KB 1986-34 1986-09-15 Street - Assessment Pioneer Rd. from Bruton Rd. to SH352
- 2 MB 1986-29 1986-08-18 Franchise - Telephone Enter contract with Southwestern Bell for 911 service
- 278 KB 1986-30 1986-08-18 Grant Authorize App. for 1986-87 CDBG funds $603,000
- 380 KB 1986-25 1986-08-04 Regional Transportation Support Regional Transportation Council re for state funding on highway improvement
- 95 KB 1986-26 1986-08-04 Regional Transportation Support Regional Transportation Council re for federal funding on highway improvement
- 271 KB 1986-27 1986-08-04 Street - Assessment Close public hearing - Forney Rd. improvements
- 307 KB 1986-28 1986-08-04 Street - Assessment Deem project necessary Hickory Tree Road Improvements
- 274 KB 1986-22 1986-07-21 Street - Assessment Reconstruct Pampa Dr. from Leyenda to Tierra Drive
- 262 KB 1986-23 1986-07-21 Street - Assessment Reconstruct Pioneer Rd. from Bruton Rd. to State Hwy. 352
- 294 KB 1986-24 1986-07-21 Alley - Assessment Advertise for bids Antilles & La Prada from Gus Thomasson to Sarazen
- 282 KB 1986-21 1986-07-07 Street - Assessment Reconstruct of Forney, consider assessment to be levied
Total : 3073 Page