PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 88 KB 1989-40 1989-12-04 Tax Express option to continue to tax property that has been exempted by the voters under Proposition #5.
- 85 KB 1990-10 1990-03-19 Tax Express option to continue to tax property exempt by voters on 11/7/89 under Prop #5-"Freeport Amend"
- 89 KB 1962-04 1962-02-21 Housing Express opposition to Urban Affairs and Housing with executive branch of the Federal Gvt.
- 175 KB 1992-16 1992-06-01 State Express opposition to TDOH's plan to mandate Occupational Safety & Health regulations on local govts.
- 179 KB 1973-24 1973-08-20 Tax Express opposition to tax on commuters
- 202 KB 1983-10 1983-02-21 Cable TV Express opposition to S.B. 66 re local authority over Cable TV
- 100 KB 1989-19 1989-07-03 Dallas County Express opposition to reduction or refusal of preventative health serv. by Dallas Co.
- 212 KB 1975-24 1975-07-21 Misc. Express opposition to H.R. 6219, voting rights act
- 160 KB 1974-32 1974-09-16 Misc. Express opposition of collective bargaining and binding arbitration for police personnel
- 202 KB 1993-25 1993-11-15 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs of the City of Mesquite Improvement Projects.
- 177 KB 1995-33 1995-11-13 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs of the City of Mesquite Improvement Projects.
- 371 KB 1996-33 1996-10-21 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs of the City of Mesq Improvement Projects.
- 117 KB 2001-42 2001-08-20 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs of computers and vehicles for City use.
- 117 KB 2001-44 2001-08-20 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for water and sewer system improvements.
- 115 KB 2002-40 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for water and sewer system improvements.
- 120 KB 2000-50 2000-11-06 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for water & sewer system imps.
- 118 KB 2000-48 2000-11-06 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for street imps.
- 118 KB 2001-43 2001-08-20 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for street improvements.
- 116 KB 2002-38 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for street improvements (GO Bonds).
- 114 KB 2002-41 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for Personal Property COs.
Total : 3073 Page