PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 81 KB 1978-21 1978-08-21 State Express appr. to State Highway Dept. installation of traffic signals at Gross Rd. & I635
- 79 KB 1978-22 1978-10-02 Misc. Lease agreement with Jaycees for use of Social Services building
- 175 KB 1978-23 1978-10-16 Drainage Land acquisition for Southwest Mesquite Drainage Project
- 257 KB 1978-24 1978-10-16 Drainage Just compensation for Southwest Mesquite Drainage Project
- 95 KB 1978-25 1978-10-16 Housing Expand membership of Housing and Community Development Committee
- 95 KB 1978-26 1978-10-16 Misc. Oppose removal of tax-exempt status of bonds
- 81 KB 1978-27 1978-11-03 Issuance of Bonds $1,500,000 General Obligation Bonds
- 97 KB 1978-28 1978-11-03 Issuance of Bonds $1,500,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds
- 98 KB 1978-29 1978-11-06 Abandonment Forney Road relocation
- 167 KB 1978-30 1978-11-06 Misc. Town East/Motley Sector Planning Committee
- 167 KB 1978-31 1978-11-20 Grant Grant for purchase of two 18-passenger buses for senior citizens
- 354 KB 1978-32 1978-11-20 Street - Assessment Authorize reconstruction of various streets
- 276 KB 1978-33 1978-12-18 Street - Assessment Public hearing for reconstructions of Carver Street
- 164 KB 1978-34 1978-12-18 Grant Grant for development of Porter Park
- 151 KB 1978-35 1978-12-18 Grant Grant for development of Vanston Park
- 91 KB 1978-36 1978-12-18 Grant Grant for police electronic stake-out alarm units
- 92 KB 1978-37 1978-12-18 Railroad Sewer line agreement with Missouri Pacific Railroad
- 84 KB 1978-38 1978-12-18 Misc. Accept donation of Max McCullough property on the square
- 80 KB 1979-01 1979-01-15 State Exchange of books in Northeast Texas Library System
- 184 KB 1979-02 1979-01-15 Election Call election to be held 4-7-79, Mayor, Places 1, 2, and 6
Total : 3040 Page