Res# |
Date |
Subject |
Description |
- 85 KB |
1990-10 |
1990-03-19 |
Tax |
Express option to continue to tax property exempt by voters on 11/7/89 under Prop #5-"Freeport Amend" |
- 176 KB |
1990-11 |
1990-03-19 |
Personnel |
Save/protect/defend/hold harm/pay expenses/indemnify elect/appoint officials/emp fm claims,suit,judgement |
- 89 KB |
1990-12 |
1990-04-02 |
Misc. |
Approve participation in the Crime Stoppers Prog of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission |
- 190 KB |
1990-13 |
1990-04-02 |
Airport |
Support expansion of the DFW International Airport |
- 189 KB |
1990-14 |
1990-04-02 |
Election |
Appoint judges & alternate judges for the May 5, 1990, general election |
- 193 KB |
1990-15 |
1990-04-02 |
Charges |
Express City intent to establish impact fees, name a capital imp. adv. comm. and est. procedural rules |
- 103 KB |
1990-16 |
1990-04-02 |
Mesq Health Fac Dev Corp. |
Approve iss of bonds for Christian Care Centers, Inc. by Mesquite Health Facilities Dev. Corp. |
- 338 KB |
1990-17 |
1990-04-16 |
Records Management |
Designating a Records Management Officer. |
- 223 KB |
1990-18 |
1990-04-16 |
Personnel |
Authorizing the City Mgr. to hire up to 5 addl. police off. over approved budget amount. |
- 186 KB |
1990-19 |
1990-04-16 |
Highways |
Authorize Mayor execute agree. w/SDHPT for fin part in row acquis fr SH352 fm. 80 to so. of Union Pac. RR. |
- 224 KB |
1990-20 |
1990-05-07 |
Election |
Canvass returns of May 5 election to elect councilmembers for places 3, 4, and 5 |
- 99 KB |
1990-21 |
1990-05-07 |
Misc. |
Endorse dev of Business Retention & Expansion Prog jointly w/Chamber of Commerce & other business groups |
- 88 KB |
1990-22 |
1990-05-07 |
Highways |
Request SDHPT to construct SH352 as a four-lane facility fm. U.S. 80 to south of the Union Pacific RR |
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1990-23 |
1990-05-07 |
Street - Assessment |
P H to consider assessments for Bruton Rd. Paving & Drainage Imp. between I.H. 635 and Pioneer Rd |
- 106 KB |
1990-24 |
1990-05-07 |
Tax |
Authorize Board of Dir-DCAD to negotiate & enter into formal agree for purchase/lease fac as dist offices |
- 271 KB |
1990-25 |
1990-06-04 |
Street - Assessment |
P H consider assessment for Towne Centre Dr. Pav. & Drainage Imp. bet. IH 635 & Gus Thomasson Rd. |
- 265 KB |
1990-26 |
1990-06-04 |
Street - Assessment |
Close public hearing concerning assessments for imp. to Bruton Rd., fm. IH 635 to Pioneer Rd. |
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1990-27 |
1990-06-04 |
Street - Assessment |
Accept low bid Ed Bell Const. for reconst Bruton fm. 635 to Pioneer & approv. suppl City/County agreement |
- 187 KB |
1990-28 |
1990-06-18 |
Misc. |
Support National Endowment for the Arts Reauthorization. |
- 104 KB |
1990-29 |
1990-06-18 |
Personnel |
Est Deferred Comp Plan w/U.S. Conf. of Mayors-all elig city emp/elect off/indep cont. purs to Fed. Leg. |