PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 169 KB 1979-21 1979-06-04 Grant Grant authorized for park acquisition and development - Murray Development
- 173 KB 1979-22 1979-06-04 Grant Grant authorized for park acquisition and development - Westover Greenbelt Dev.
- 170 KB 1979-23 1979-06-04 Grant Grant authorized for park acquisition - H. E. Canada
- 154 KB 1979-24 1979-06-04 Grant Grant authorized for park acquisition - Vaughn Rozelle
- 174 KB 1979-25 1979-06-04 Grant Grant authorized for park development - McKenzie Park
- 440 KB 1979-26 1979-06-18 Street Close public hearing re Galloway Extension from I20 to I30
- 191 KB 1979-27 1979-06-18 Dallas County Support of future Dallas County bond issue
- 168 KB 1979-28 1979-06-18 Grant Authorize application for Sec. 312 Housing Rehabilitation Program
- 82 KB 1979-29 1979-06-18 Issuance of Bonds $3,500,000 G.O. bonds and $1,000,000 W & S Revenue bonds
- 82 KB 1979-30 1979-07-02 City of Dallas Contract with City of Dallas re radio equipment on Big Town water tower
- 79 KB 1979-31 1979-07-16 Housing Authorize Housing Administrator to recommend sec. 312 Loans to HUD
- 251 KB 1979-32 1979-07-16 Highways Eminent domain to acquire ROW for Gus Thomasson-Highway 80 exit ramp
- 163 KB 1979-33 1979-07-16 Street - Assessment Authorize advertisement for bids for reconstruction of various streets
- 61 KB 1979-34 1979-08-06 Grant Agreement re Mass Transportation Administration Grant
- 1 MB 1979-35 1979-08-20 Street - Assessment Call public hearing, reconstruction Valley View, Crestridge and Pampa
- 82 KB 1979-36 1979-08-20 Regional Transportation Temporary establishment of Regional Transportation Authority
- 243 KB 1979-37 1979-09-06 Tax Appoint of members to Dallas County Tax Appraisal District
- 161 KB 1979-38 1979-09-17 Street - Assessment Close public hearing reconstruction Valley View, Crestridge and Pampa
- 93 KB 1979-39 1979-09-17 Grant Approve grant for Career Development Grant for police department
- 362 KB 1979-40 1979-10-01 Tax Nominate candidate for Dallas County Tax Appraisal Board (Louis Nichols & Ray Hutcheson)
Total : 3040 Page