PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 314 KB 1970-22 1970-09-08 Street - Assessment Calle Real from Rancho to Pampa
- 441 KB 1970-21 1970-09-08 City of Dallas Right to de-annex land by City of Dallas
- 90 KB 1970-20 1970-08-17 Street Approve signalization Project No. 70-50 on Town East and Galloway
- 184 KB 1970-19 1970-08-17 Street Make payment to Dallas County for extra work on Town East Blvd. Project
- 79 KB 1970-18 1970-07-20 Misc. Written contract with Sunnyvale to make fire calls
- 293 KB 1970-17 1970-06-15 Misc. Interest in National Flood Insurance Program, flood control areas
- 163 KB 1970-16 1970-06-15 Street - Assessment Gus Thomasson Rd. from I30 to south of Town East Blvd.
- 131 KB 1970-15 1970-06-01 Highways I.H. 635 - Agreement with State of Texas, Interchange Safety Lighting System
- 543 KB 1970-14 1970-05-18 Street - Assessment Gus Thomasson Rd. from south of Town East Blvd. to I30
- 61 KB 1970-13 1970-05-04 Street - Assessment Execute contract with Homart Development Co. for Town East Blvd. improvement
- 97 KB 1970-12 1970-04-20 Personnel Increase number of college hours as prerequisite to employment as police officer
- 151 KB 1970-11 1970-04-20 Street - Assessment Town East Blvd. from I635 eastward
- 106 KB 1970-10 1970-04-18 Election Canvass returns of election for Place 1
- 215 KB 1970-09 1970-04-06 Election Call run-off election for Council Place 1
- 164 KB 1970-08 1970-04-04 Election Canvass returns for Council Places 1, 3, 4, and 5
- 93 KB 1970-07 1970-03-16 Street - Assessment Public Hearing for 04-20-70 discuss improvement of Town East Blvd.
- 93 KB 1970-06 1970-03-16 Street Addendum to contract with Cecil Ruby Co., Town East Blvd. curbing
- 138 KB 1970-05 1970-03-16 Street Addendum to contract with Cecil Ruby Co., provide widening of Gross Rd.
- 107 KB 1970-04 1970-03-16 Specifications Establish lime stabilization of subgrade material in the construction of public streets
- 91 KB 1970-03 1970-03-16 Misc. Provide installation of traffic humps in alleys
Total : 3074 Page