PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 631 KB 1994-48 1994-12-02 Easement Determine public necessity exists & authorize eminent domain condemnation to acquire easements for So Mesq Creek Channel Imp Project.
- 187 KB 1994-47 1994-12-02 Issuance of Bonds Authorize official intent to reimburse costs of City of Mesquite Improvement Projects.
- 110 KB 1994-46 1994-11-21 Records Management Auth submission of a petition to the State Library for ext of the records control schedule filing deadline
- 193 KB 1994-45 1994-11-07 Issuance of Bonds Dir publ of Not of Intent to issue Wtrworks/Sewr Sys Rev Imp Bonds Ser 1994 in amt not to exceed $6,380,000.00
- 182 KB 1994-44 1994-11-07 Issuance of Bonds Direct publ of Notice of Intent to issue Comb Tax & Rev CO's, Series 1994, in the amt of $6,440,000.00
- 1 MB 1994-43 1994-11-07 Tax Approve terms/conditions of tax abate agree between the City, MISD & Brookshire Groc Co.
- 106 KB 1994-42 1994-11-07 Easement Auth City Man to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire esmts for So Mesq Crk Channel Imp Project.
- 179 KB 1994-41 1994-11-07 Sewer Authorize City Man to acquire row for No Mesq Crk/Long Branch Crk San Sewer Imp Project.
- 181 KB 1994-40 1994-11-07 Dallas County Authorize Mayor to execute agree w/Dallas Co for row acquisition on Clay Rd fm East Glen to SH 352.
- 269 KB 1994-39 1994-10-17 Grant Rescind Res 29-94/auth City to enter into contract w/TxDOT for 8th-yr funding of STEP Occupant Protection
- 170 KB 1994-38 1994-10-17 Grant Rescind Res 28-94/auth City to enter into contract w/TxDOT for 8th-yr funding of STEP Natl Max Speed Limit
- 89 KB 1994-37 1994-10-17 Tribute Renaming a portion of Paschall Park "Dr. Jack Nelson Field".
- 101 KB 1994-36 1994-10-17 Water Auth City Man to execute Suppl Agree No. 1 to the Water/Wastewater Reciprocal Serv Agree w/City of Dallas
- 90 KB 1994-35 1994-10-17 Water Auth City Man to execute Supplemental Agree No. 1 to the Emerg Reciprocal Serv Agree w/City of Dallas
- 198 KB 1994-34 1994-10-17 Dallas County Auth Mayor to execute agree w/Dallas Co for acq of row @ Hickory Tr pav proj from Bruton to Military Pkwy
- 277 KB 1994-33 1994-10-03 Tax Call public hear for 10/17/94 on the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 5 for Comm/Ind Tax Abatement
- 107 KB 1994-32 1994-10-03 State Authorize Gereal Hogue to request reg of police patrol veh exempt under Tex Rev Civ Stat Ann Art 6701m-2
- 177 KB 1994-31 1994-10-03 Mesquite Ind Dev Corp Approve agree by MIDC to issue bonds for Morrison Products, & bond res prov for issuance of such bonds
- 98 KB 1994-30 1994-09-26 Grant Accept grant offer, when offered, from FAA for improvements to Hudson Municipal Airport
- 105 KB 1994-29 1994-09-19 Grant Contract w/TDOT for 8th-yr funding - Occupant Protection (seat belts)
Total : 3073 Page