PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 56 KB 2010-34 2010-08-02 Misc. Supporting the candidacy of Mayor John Monaco for the position of President-Elect of the Texas Municipal League.
- 47 KB 2010-35 2010-08-02 Grant Adopting and approving the PY2010-14 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan.
- 107 KB 2010-36 2010-08-02 Grant Authorizing the filing of an application for an amount not to exceed $992,799 for federal funds under the Housing and Community Dev Act, approving and adopting the PY2010-11 CDBG Annual Action Plan and designating the City Manager as CEO and authorized representative for the purpose of giving required assurances and acting in connection with said application.
- 310 KB 2010-32 2010-07-19 Grant Amending Resolution No. 09-2010 by updating procedural authorization to continue the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) with income generated from the sale of homes originally purchased with NSP funds granted to the City of Mesquite by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under NSP Grant #B-08-MN-48-0007.
- 489 KB 2010-31 2010-07-06 Water Authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement with the Town of Sunnyvale to permit the installation and maintenance of a 12-inch water main by Sunnyvale in Mesquite right-of-way of Belt Line Road from the City limit north of Town East Boulevard to north of Northwest Drive.
- 702 KB 2010-26 2010-06-21 Annexation Setting dates, times and places for public hearings on the proposed annexation of certain property in the extraterritorial jurisdiction.
- 57 KB 2010-27 2010-06-21 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of McKinney to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 64 KB 2010-28 2010-06-21 Personnel Adopting the Lincoln Financial Alliance Program Supplemental Retirement 401(a) Plan and amendments with Lincoln Financial Group and authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute all documents related to this plan, effective July 1, 2010.
- 68 KB 2010-29 2010-06-21 State Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute all documents with the State of Texas represented by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and such other parties as shall be necessary and appropriate for the implementation of the improvements to the Mesquite Metro Airport specifically for the design and construction of an air traffic control tower.
- 59 KB 2010-30 2010-06-21 Election Declaring the results of the June 12, 2010, Runoff Election.
- 101 KB 2010-22 2010-06-07 Grant Authorizing the City Manager to execute the 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Funds Sharing and Fiscal Agency Agreement between the County of Dallas and the Cities of Addison, Balch Springs, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Dallas, DeSoto, Duncanville, Garland, Grand Prairie, Irving, Lancaster, Mesquite and Richardson allocating the amount of $37,874.53 to the City of Mesquite and designating the Police Chief as the responsible officer for the purpose of signing all documents associated with the grant.
- 57 KB 2010-23 2010-06-07 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Denton to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 2 MB 2010-24 2010-06-07 Annexation Directing that staff give written notice of the CityÆs intent to annex certain property in its extraterritorial jurisdiction and draft a service plan for such area.
- 7 MB 2010-25 2010-06-07 Water Consenting to the creation of a Fresh Water Supply District encompassing approximately 146.738 acres located within the CityÆs extraterritorial jurisdiction.
- 128 KB 2010-20 2010-05-19 Election Declaring the results of the May 8, 2010, General Election and ordering a runoff election to be held June 12, 2010.
- 70 KB 2010-21 2010-05-19 Election Establishing precincts and the location of polling places for the June 12, 2010, runoff election.
- 446 KB 2010-19 2010-05-17 Water Approving the recommended alignment of the proposed Dallas Water Utilities water transmission pipeline.
- 170 KB 2010-17 2010-05-03 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $51,679.00 without competitive bidding for the emergency replacement of the hydraulic oil line, traveling cable, hoist way wire way and hydraulic cylinder for the passenger elevator at the Municipal Center and authorizing payment to Kone, Inc., for such services.
- 61 KB 2010-18 2010-05-03 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Joint Powers Alliance to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 1 MB 2010-14 2010-04-19 Personnel Adopting the Lincoln Alliance Program 457(b) Governmental Deferred Compensation Plan and Amendment with Lincoln Financial Group and authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute all documents to implement the plan.
Total : 3073 Page