PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 173 KB 1990-02 1990-01-15 Railroad Sanitary sewer pipeline license re S. Mesq. Creek Sanitary Sewer Trunk Main Realignment Proj.
- 91 KB 1990-03 1990-01-15 Drainage Requesting that SDHPT upgrade concrete culverts under I.H. 30 @ South Mesquite Creek.
- 1 MB 1989-43 1989-12-18 Tax Enter into commercial/industrial tax abatement agreement with AT&T.
- 174 KB 1989-44 1989-12-18 Highways Designate locally preferred route for SH 190 & authorize the route alignment study.
- 162 KB 1989-39 1989-12-04 Personnel Indemnify ex-elected/ex-appointed officials/ex-employees-provide per diem, in conn w/lawsuits filed.
- 88 KB 1989-40 1989-12-04 Tax Express option to continue to tax property that has been exempted by the voters under Proposition #5.
- 685 KB 1989-41 1989-12-04 Street Authorize CM to execute interlocal agree w/City of Garland for traffic signals at La Prada & Northwest Dr.
- 94 KB 1989-42 1989-12-04 Airport Authorize Airport Mgr.-advertise/conduct a public hear-consider proposed imp. at Hudson Mun. Airport.
- 91 KB 1989-38 1989-11-20 Street Request Dallas Co to transfer surplus funds fm. Samuell proj to Bruton Rd. project (LBJ to Pioneer).
- 184 KB 1989-36 1989-11-06 Grant Authorize file-appl w/Dept. of Tex-file-appl w/Dept of Trans-grant under Urban Mass Transportation Act.
- 145 KB 1989-37 1989-11-06 Tax Cast vote for 4th member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 323 KB 1989-35 1989-10-02 Tax Creation of Reinvestment Zone No. Three for Commercial/Industrial tax abatement
- 89 KB 1989-31 1989-09-18 Grant Accept grant offer-$147,634 fm FAA-part reimb-land costs in conn. w/ext. runway/taxiway
- 133 KB 1989-32 1989-09-18 Grant Accept grant offer-$1,075,000 fm FAA for part reimb-land acquisition costs-ext. of runway/taxiway
- 80 KB 1989-33 1989-09-18 Street Donation-row-First United Pentecostal Church (Peace Tabernacle Pentecostal)-Tripp Rd. Pav/Drainage Imp.
- 82 KB 1989-34 1989-09-18 Personnel One-time employee recognition bonus plan
- 90 KB 1989-23 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML support leg. prohibiting priv. ind. & co. from issuing or representing they can issue tax cert.
- 84 KB 1989-24 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML support leg. amend. tax code-allow cities to use tax rev. fm. hotel-motel occ. tax for econ. dev.
- 95 KB 1989-25 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support leg. require State Compt. to disclose inf. relating to hotel-motel tax coll. to cities
- 83 KB 1989-26 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support leg.-criminal offense for oper. of mtr. veh. to fail to carry proof of fin. resp.
Total : 3073 Page