PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 214 KB 1993-17 1993-08-16 Newspaper Designate official newspaper for a one-year period beg 10/1/93.
- 223 KB 1993-15 1993-08-02 State Auth participation in the State of Tex Purchasing Program
- 93 KB 1993-14 1993-07-26 Misc. Auth submittal of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program's Part 2 Permit Application
- 102 KB 1993-13 1993-07-19 Misc. Auth contract w/Univ of Tex S/W Med Cntr for cont education & medical dir for emerg med serv-$20,540
- 95 KB 1993-11 1993-06-07 Cable TV Auth CM to file doc und 1992 Cable Act to reg basic cab rates/activate FCC's auth to reg all other tiers
- 704 KB 1993-12 1993-06-07 Highways Auth May to exec Interlocal Agree w/Dallas Co-part. in rte align stdy for "So Outer Loop"-IH20 to SH 360
- 244 KB 1993-09 1993-05-03 Election Declare results of 5/1/93 Joint Elect-Mayor,CCMembers Pl 1,2&6
- 82 KB 1993-10 1993-05-03 Grant Accept grant offer,when off,$3,000,000.00 fm. FAA for airport expansion.
- 77 KB 1993-07 1993-03-01 Election Amend Res. #04-93 to change the polling place location for Precinct 2328.
- 161 KB 1993-08 1993-03-01 Grant Authorize subm grant appl for Elderly/Handicapped Transp Capital/Operat Assist w/Dept. of Transp
- 48 KB 1993-02 1993-02-15 Misc. Urge Gov. & Leg to adopt/enact leg providing capital punishment for persons who abuse & murder children.
- 200 KB 1993-03 1993-02-15 Election Call annual City election to be held May 1, 1993.
- 166 KB 1993-04 1993-02-15 Election Establish precincts & location of polling places for annual City election.
- 2 MB 1993-05 1993-02-15 Election Authorize Mayor execute a Joint Elect Agree & Elect Serv Contract in connection with annual City election.
- 81 KB 1993-06 1993-02-15 Grant Authorize CM execute cont w/TDOT for Keep Mesq Beaut match grant landscape proj at 635/Military Parkway.
- 223 KB 1993-01 1993-02-01 Grant Authorize submittal of grant application for continuation of LETS Program in the Police Dept.
- 148 KB 1992-33 1992-11-02 Misc. Support relocat of North Tex Reg Trng Cntr-Texas A&M Univ Sys's Ext Serv to prop located in Mesquite.
- 179 KB 1992-30 1992-10-05 State Enc State Leg to fund prov. of HB 791-coord/support of statewide sys of poison & drug information services
- 205 KB 1992-31 1992-10-05 Issuance of Bonds Direct publ Notice of Intent to iss Comb Tax & Rev Cert of Oblig, Series 1992, $1,055,000.
- 205 KB 1992-32 1992-10-05 Issuance of Bonds Direct publ Notice of Intent to iss Waterworks & Sewer Sys Rev Refund & Imp. Bonds, Ser 1992, $7,950,000
Total : 3073 Page