PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 247 KB 1960-20 1960-09-19 Alley - Assessment Oleander Trail & Astor, Woodbridge Way, Sherwood Drive & Scottsdale St., Hogan Dr.-Sandra
- 152 KB 1960-30 1960-12-05 Alley - Assessment Oleander Tr., Woodbridge Way, Sherwood Dr., Hogan Dr., Sandra Lynn & Kiamesha, Scottsdale
- 1 MB 1960-27 1960-11-07 Alley - Assessment Oleander Tr., Woodbridge Way, Sherwood Dr. & Scottsdale, Hogan Dr., Sandra Lynn &
- 149 KB 1960-21 1960-10-10 Alley - Assessment Oleander Tr. & Astor Rd., Woodbridge Way, Sherwood Dr., Hogan Drive, Sandra Lynn &
- 316 KB 1966-20 1966-07-18 Street - Assessment Old London Lane from Scyene Road to Picadilly Blvd.
- 349 KB 2004-55 2004-12-06 Issuance of Bonds Official intent to reimburse costs for water and sewer system improvements.
- 345 KB 2004-53 2004-12-06 Issuance of Bonds Official intent to reimburse costs for street improvements (GO Bonds).
- 359 KB 2004-54 2004-12-06 Issuance of Bonds Official intent to reimburse costs for municipal improvements (CO Bonds).
- 353 KB 2004-56 2004-12-06 Issuance of Bonds Official intent to reimburse costs for computer equipment, etc. (Personal Property CO).
- 167 KB 1987-09 1987-03-16 State offer state ROW at Galloway and I635
- 298 KB 1971-19 1971-07-06 Street - Assessment Oates Drive from Forrest Drive to I.H. 635
- 275 KB 1971-20 1971-07-19 Street - Assessment Oates Dr., Carmack St. from Main, Florence St. from Main St.
- 355 KB 1966-03 1966-01-17 Street - Assessment Oates Dr. from Forrest Dr. to I635
- 260 KB 1971-21A 1971-08-16 Street - Assessment Oates Dr. from Forrest Dr. to I635
- 307 KB 1965-07 1965-02-15 Street - Assessment Oates Dr. from alley eat of Modlin St. to west corporate limit line
- 498 KB 1965-02 1965-01-18 Street - Assessment Oates Dr. from alley east of Modlin St. to wet corporate limit line
- 292 KB 1964-39 1964-12-07 Street - Assessment Oates Dr. from alley east of Modlin St. to west corporate limit line
- 117 KB 1981-25 1981-12-21 Personnel Notice to Employee Retirement System of intent to withdraw from Social Security System
- 126 KB 1984-30 1984-12-10 Issuance of Bonds Notice of sale of $6,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 1985
- 147 KB 1998-17 1998-06-15 Issuance of Bonds Notice of intent to issue Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Refunding & Imp Bonds, Series 1998.
Total : 3073 Page