PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 139 KB 1963-39 1963-11-11 Street - Assessment Richard St. from East of Ridgecrest Ave. to West of Royal Crest Drive
- 345 KB 1963-44 1963-12-16 Street - Assessment Richard St. from East of Ridgecrest Ave. to west of Royal Crest Dr.
- 144 KB 1964-01 1964-01-06 Street - Assessment Richard St. from East of Ridgecrest Ave. to west of Royal Crest Dr.
- 107 KB 1974-06 1974-02-18 State Revision of Constitution of the State of Texas
- 552 KB 1983-05 1983-01-17 Alley - Assessment Revision in alley assessment policy
- 1 MB 2009-13 2009-04-06 Tax Revising the terms and conditions of a program (Chapter 380 Agreement) with Camelot Sports and Entertainment, LLC, related to the purchase and upgrade of the Mesquite Arena and Mesquite Championship Rodeo in conjunction with property located within the Rodeo City Tax Increment Finance Reinvestment Zone No. One and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.
- 78 KB 1983-01 1983-01-03 Street Revising street improvement policy and establish assessment rates
- 170 KB 1982-15 1982-06-21 Housing Revising 1981-82 Housing Assistance Plan to include 75 units
- 105 KB 1987-17 1987-06-15 Street Revise street improvement policy (amend Res. No. 1-83)
- 100 KB 1964-36 1964-09-21 Personnel Revise personnel policy adopted by Council by Resolution #36-64
- 2 MB 1964-34 1964-09-08 Personnel Revise personnel policy
- 467 KB 1969-18 1969-11-17 Highways Revise contract with the Texas Highway Dept. - I635
- 166 KB 1981-07 1981-05-04 Tax Retain original allocation of Dallas County Appraisal District
- 270 KB 1982-14 1982-05-17 Housing Restructure Housing and Community Development Committee
- 92 KB 1997-20 1997-06-16 Grant Responsible & Fiscal Officers-request grant fr Bureau of Just for 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant.
- 2 MB 2015-65 2015-12-21 Exchange of Property Rescinding Resolution No. 61-2015 and adopting a new resolution to authorize the exchange of property with the Mesquite Independent School District (MISD) for the reconstruction of Seabourn Elementary School, authorizing the Mayor to execute the exchange agreement with the MISD for such purpose, eliminating the requirement of Resolution No. 61-2015 that the MISD construct a new restroom and concession building on the property to be transferred to and received by the City of Mesquite and otherwise adopting the resolution as previously approved.
- 55 KB 2010-13 2010-04-05 Highways Rescinding Resolution No. 61-2006 thereby allowing City staff to work with Dallas Water Utilities to coordinate the sharing of right-of-way along Lawson Road.
- 53 KB 2002-53 2002-10-07 Newspaper Rescind Res. No. 37-2002 and designate an official newspaper for a one-year period.
- 83 KB 1984-15 1984-07-02 Housing Rescind Res. 14-82 to abolish Mesquite Housing and Community Development Committee
- 82 KB 1990-45 1990-09-17 Cable TV Rescind Res 34-90 rel to comp w/cable television franchise quality of service standards
Total : 3072 Page