PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 154 KB 1970-26 1970-09-21 Drainage Dedication of property by El Tierra, Inc.
- 237 KB 1970-27 1970-09-21 Street - Assessment Peachtree Rd. from Skyline Dr., Ebrite St. from Front Street to McKinney
- 191 KB 1970-28 1970-10-20 Street - Assessment Peachtree Rd. from Skyline Dr., Ebrite St. from Front St. to McKinney
- 249 KB 1970-29 1970-10-20 Street - Assessment Crestridge, Glenridge, Candise Court, Alley east of Modlin, Sidney Drive, San Marcus
- 72 KB 1970-30 1970-11-02 Drainage West fork of South Mesquite Creek, known as Corrigan-Roffino Ditch between Anthony & H80
- 156 KB 1970-31 1970-11-16 Street - Assessment Crestridge, Glenridge Dr., Candise Court, Alley east of Modlin, Sidney Dr. & San Marcus
- 171 KB 1970-32 1970-11-16 Drainage Improvements between Anthony Dr. and Highway 80
- 200 KB 1971-01 1971-01-18 Election Call election 04-03-71 to elect Mayor and Council Places 1, 2, and 6
- 415 KB 1971-02 1971-01-18 City of Dallas Waive ETJ rights to Dallas Shiloh Rd/Centerville Rd.
- 92 KB 1971-04 1971-02-15 Franchise - Telephone Set local telephone rates and franchise fees
- 90 KB 1971-05 1971-02-15 Street Butcher and Sweeney Construction Co., install traffic signals Grubb, Town East, Peachtree
- 561 KB 1971-06 1971-02-15 Street - Assessment Partial release to Homart Development Corp. on property on Town East Blvd.
- 83 KB 1971-07 1971-03-01 State Recommending delay of passage of revised Texas Penal Code
- 261 KB 1971-08 1971-03-01 Street Close portion of Gus Thomasson Road and abandon ROW
- 93 KB 1971-09 1971-03-01 State Express support of Senate Bill 292 through 301 for State Aid to the Deaf
- 180 KB 1971-10 1971-04-03 Election Canvass election results of 4-3-71 of Mayor and Councilmen Places 1, 2, and 6
- 89 KB 1971-11 1971-04-05 Misc. Confirmation of Appointment of Honorable Charles Simons to the Texas Highway Commission
- 86 KB 1971-12 1971-05-03 Sewer Make application for construction of certain sewage transmission and treatment facilities
- 287 KB 1971-13 1971-05-03 Alley - Assessment Harvey Dr. and Motley Dr. from Modlin to Harvey Dr. and La Prada Drive
- 313 KB 1971-14 1971-05-03 Street - Assessment Florence St. from Main, Carmack St. from Main St. to Davis St.
Total : 3072 Page