PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 303 KB 1966-10 1966-04-18 Street - Assessment Town East Blvd. from U.s. Highway 80 to Gross Road
- 698 KB 1966-14 1966-05-16 Street - Assessment town East Blvd. from U.S. Highway 80 to Gross Road
- 345 KB 1966-15 1966-06-06 Street - Assessment Town East Blvd. from U.S. Highway 80 to Gross Road
- 341 KB 1965-34 1965-07-19 Alley - Assessment Town East Estates Addition #8, Byrd Estates Addition
- 611 KB 1965-38 1965-08-16 Alley - Assessment Town East Estates Addition No. 8, Byrd Estates Addition No. 1
- 342 KB 1965-45 1965-09-07 Alley - Assessment Town East Estates Addition No. 8, Byrd Estates Addition No. 1
- 167 KB 1978-30 1978-11-06 Misc. Town East/Motley Sector Planning Committee
- 96 KB 1988-45 1988-08-15 Grant Transfer grant requirements from FAA to new grant on tiedown apron
- 157 KB 1980-04 1980-01-21 Tribute Tribute to Rev. Dwight Judy for many civic accomplishments
- 179 KB 1989-09 1989-03-06 Misc. U.S. Congressional Legislation - Anti-drug Program, Resource Counservation, Intersate Sales Tax
- 168 KB 1976-09 1976-05-03 Grant U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development designated $30,00
- 135 KB 1974-11 1974-05-06 Grant U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev. designate $30,000 for Comprehensive Planning Assist.
- 95 KB 1986-17 1986-04-22 Misc. U.S. Postal Service construct additional post office
- 131 KB 1964-33 1964-09-08 Tax Uncollectible personal taxes
- 397 KB 1986-32 1986-09-15 Misc. Unregulated transportation of hazardous materials
- 103 KB 1968-41 1968-07-15 Master Plan - Contract Update Master Plan involved by Federal participation
- 85 KB 1981-06 1981-05-04 Grant Urban Mass Transportation Grant, senior citizen buses
- 176 KB 1992-01 1992-01-20 Street Urge Dallas County to schedule const of Hickory Tree Rd. early in 92 County Bond Program
- 48 KB 1993-02 1993-02-15 Misc. Urge Gov. & Leg to adopt/enact leg providing capital punishment for persons who abuse & murder children.
- 90 KB 1991-27 1991-08-19 Drainage Urge SDHPT to expdeite comp of Drainage Structure Improvements at I-30 & South Mequite Creek
Total : 3074 Page