PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 91 KB 1987-32 1987-11-02 Franchise - Telephone Consider approval of participating in Telephone Franchise Study Committee with fee
- 162 KB 1987-07 1987-02-02 Grant Consider grant application with Urban Mass Transportation for elderly/handicap
- 81 KB 1988-12 1988-04-04 Highways Consider proposed improvement of traffic access from U.S. Hwy. 80 to Southeast Mesquite
- 143 KB 1971-31 1971-11-01 Sewer Construct certain sew transmission facilities under Federal Water Pollution Control Act
- 180 KB 1986-39 1986-12-01 Highways Construct exit ramps from I635 to New Market, Scyene & Military
- 133 KB 1972-44 1972-12-18 Street Construction of Belt Line Rd. - South Galloway intersection
- 229 KB 1973-25 1973-10-01 Street Construction of Belt Line Road between U.S. highway and I30
- 66 KB 1982-30 1982-10-18 Street Construction with Lockwood, An & Newman Eng. Service Town East Blvd.
- 68 KB 1982-29 1982-10-18 Street Construction with Turner, C & Braden engineering service Gross Rd. - Gus Thomasson
- 64 KB 1973-26 1973-10-01 Misc. Continue Community Service Section of Police Department
- 71 KB 1972-39 1972-11-20 Misc. Continue Identification and Crime Scene Search Section of Police Dept.
- 109 KB 1997-32 1997-09-15 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 41 KB 2000-36 2000-08-21 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 50 KB 2003-43 2003-08-18 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 45 KB 2006-49 2006-08-21 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 48 KB 2009-27 2009-08-17 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 574 KB 2012-23 2012-09-04 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 1 MB 2015-38 2015-08-17 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 85 KB 1977-14 1977-05-02 Misc. Contract for downtown improvement program under CDBG Program
- 86 KB 1989-22 1989-08-07 Newspaper Contract w/Dallas Times Herald-Community East Section designating them as the official paper for the City
Total : 3073 Page