PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 293 KB 2023-58 2023-11-20 Election Canvassing the returns and declaring the results of an election held in the City of Mesquite, Texas, on November 7, 2023, for the election of a Mayor and City Councilmembers for Places 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and a special election held in the City of Mesquite, Texas, for the purpose of submitting a proposed tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate for the 2023 tax year.
- 151 KB 1973-07 1973-03-05 Easement Sanitary sewer easement from city of Dallas through Samuell-East Park
- 97 KB 1977-13 1977-04-18 Easement Easement to City of Dallas for 96" water main, Service Center
- 84 KB 1977-15 1977-05-02 Easement State of Texas, channel improvements along South Mesquite Creek
- 89 KB 1985-25 1985-07-15 Easement Easement to Farmers Electric Coop relocate line Mesquite Valley Rd.
- 174 KB 1987-03 1987-01-05 Easement Easement between Antilles and La Prada
- 106 KB 1994-42 1994-11-07 Easement Auth City Man to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire esmts for So Mesq Crk Channel Imp Project.
- 631 KB 1994-48 1994-12-02 Easement Determine public necessity exists & authorize eminent domain condemnation to acquire easements for So Mesq Creek Channel Imp Project.
- 446 KB 1996-14 1996-05-06 Easement City Mgr to initate condemnation proceedings to acquire util. Easement for airport sanitary sewer.
- 31 KB 2006-57 2006-08-21 Easement Authorizing the City Manager to grant and execute utility and drainage easements necessary for orderly development.
- 154 KB 1970-26 1970-09-21 Drainage Dedication of property by El Tierra, Inc.
- 72 KB 1970-30 1970-11-02 Drainage West fork of South Mesquite Creek, known as Corrigan-Roffino Ditch between Anthony & H80
- 171 KB 1970-32 1970-11-16 Drainage Improvements between Anthony Dr. and Highway 80
- 40 KB 1972-18 1972-07-10 Drainage Improvements in Town East Estates #3 Addition
- 97 KB 1972-36 1972-11-06 Drainage Call public hearing for improvements to Town East #3
- 214 KB 1974-18 1974-06-17 Drainage Improvement southwest Mesquite south of Scyene Rd. and west of Peachtree Rd.
- 134 KB 1974-19 1974-07-15 Drainage Endorse "Levee" plan proposed by Texas Highway Dept., Federal Highway Administration
- 149 KB 1974-22 1974-08-05 Drainage Improve north Ebrite bordering Swayze and Wilcox Properties
- 174 KB 1974-33 1974-10-07 Drainage Extend southward from Kearney St. between Ebrite St. and Carmack Street
- 593 KB 1975-12 1975-04-07 Drainage Adopt drainage-Greenbelt Task Force study
Total : 3074 Page