PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 356 KB 2012-22 2012-08-06 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Murphy allowing the purchase of goods and services.
- 431 KB 2012-28 2012-10-15 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $63,059.36 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer aerial crossing near Cedar Drive in Paschall Park and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 384 KB 2013-04 2013-02-18 Misc. Supporting special legislation for the creation of Mesquite Improvement District No. 1.
- 937 KB 2013-09 2013-03-04 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance.
- 40 KB 2013-15 2013-06-17 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Grapevine to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 436 KB 2013-25 2013-08-19 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an agreement to enter into a Housing Assistance Payment Contract with Sphinx Development Corporation to be utilized at the VillaÆs of Vanston Park.
- 383 KB 2013-26 2013-09-03 Misc. Authorizing the donation of a 1988 GMC armored truck to the City of Kyle for the express purpose of law enforcement.
- 351 KB 2013-32 2013-10-07 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Forney to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 514 KB 2013-34 2013-10-21 Misc. Authorizing the donation to Eastfield College of three surplus computer laptops for use in Eastfield CollegeÆs Criminal Justice Police Academy Program.
- 461 KB 2014-02 2014-01-21 Misc. Declaring a period of amnesty for library fines from February 17 - 22, 2014, to allow for the donation of food to Mesquite Social Services and Sharing Life Community Outreach in lieu of fines and without criminal penalty.
- 779 KB 2014-22 2016-06-16 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Longview to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 13 MB 2014-28 2014-08-18 Misc. Approving an agreement by and between the City of Mesquite and Earl and LuAnne Bourland relating to a Farm Cash Lease of City-owned property.
- 3 MB 2014-30 2014-09-02 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 3 MB 2014-38 2014-10-20 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the University of Texas at Austin, an institution for higher education and agency of the State of Texas, to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 715 KB 2014-41 2014-11-17 Misc. Granting leave of absence to John Monaco, Mayor.
- 763 KB 2015-01 2015-01-05 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $167,316.33 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 24-inch-diameter sanitary sewer force main at the Long Branch Lift Station and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 1 MB 2015-03 2015-01-20 Misc. Ratifying the total expenditure of $90,385.95 without competitive bidding for the emergency repair to the fountain at the Police Building located at 777 North Galloway Avenue and authorizing payment to Irrigators Supply, Inc., for such repairs.
- 1 MB 2015-05 2015-02-02 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to establish a process for setting and adjusting minimum bids in the auction of tax lien foreclosed property.
- 672 KB 2015-06 2015-02-02 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Waxahachie, Texas, to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 4 MB 2015-24 2015-05-18 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement with the City of Garland for the construction and installation of a Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of Atmosphere (CASA) radar host site.
Total : 3073 Page