PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 1 MB 2015-22 2015-05-04 Charges Establishing a public hearing for June 15, 2015, to consider adoption of impact fees for water and wastewater facilities and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
- 1 MB 2015-21 2015-05-04 Charges Establishing a public hearing for June 15, 2015, to consider amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee for roadway facilities, and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
- 8 MB 2015-20 2015-05-04 Charges Approving land use assumptions and a capital improvements plan pertaining to a proposed impact fee program for water and wastewater facilities within the City and the extraterritorial jurisdiction.
- 801 KB 2015-19 2015-05-04 Sewer Ratifying the expenditure of $147,511.60 without competitive bidding to protect the public health and safety to repair the 12-inch-diameter sanitary sewer aerial crossing on South Mesquite Creek (north of Faithon P. Lucas, Senior Boulevard) and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 1016 KB 2015-18 2015-04-20 NCTCOG Supporting the South Mesquite Creek/Lucas Boulevard Trail (Valley Creek Park to Cartwright Road) Transportation Alternative Program Project.
- 978 KB 2015-17 2015-04-20 NCTCOG Supporting the Cartwright Road Community Trail (Lawson Road to Cedar Trail) Transportation Alternative Program Project.
- 3 MB 2015-16 2015-04-06 Issuance of Bonds Directing publication of Notice of Intention to Issue City of Mesquite, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2015 and resolving other matters related thereto.
- 2 MB 2015-15 2015-03-02 Municipal Court Repealing Resolution No. 40-2014 thereby amending the payment schedule and the duties for the Associate Municipal Court Judges.
- 1 MB 2015-14 2015-03-02 Charges Establishing a public hearing for April 20, 2015, to consider land use assumptions and capital improvements plans for water and wastewater facilities under which impact fees may be imposed, and amendments to land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee for roadway facilities, and authorize publication of notice for said hearing.
- 733 KB 2015-13 2015-03-02 Highways Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the temporary closure of State right-of-way from April 24, 2015, through April 25, 2015, for the ninth annual Real.Texas.Festival. signature event commemorating the 58th anniversary of the Mesquite Championship Rodeo.
- 694 KB 2015-12 2015-03-02 Highways Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the temporary closure of State right-of-way on March 28, 2015, for the City of Mesquite Rodeo Parade, commemorating the 58th anniversary of the Mesquite Championship Rodeo.
- 6 MB 2015-11 2015-03-02 Election Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Election Services Contract and Joint Election Services Agreement with Dallas County Elections Department in connection with the annual City election to be held May 9, 2015.
- 1 MB 2015-10 2015-02-16 State Urging the Texas Legislature to enact stricter consumer protection-oriented regulation of the lending practices of credit access businesses.
- 2 MB 2015-09 2015-02-16 Tax Adopting a two-tiered fee schedule of $1,500 per transaction or three percent of the purchase/sale price for the recovery of personnel and overhead costs incurred by the City of Mesquite, Texas, as trustee, in connection with maintaining, preserving, safekeeping, managing and reselling tax lien foreclosed real properties.
- 1 MB 2015-08 2015-02-16 Tax Authorizing the City Manager to sell tax foreclosed property located at 220 Darien Street to Jon Scott Williams for a purchase price of $15,000.00 plus closing costs and post-judgment taxes and to request consent to the sale from Dallas County and Mesquite Independent School District.
- 852 KB 2015-07 2015-02-16 Election Establishing precincts and the location of polling places for the annual City election.
- 672 KB 2015-06 2015-02-02 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Waxahachie, Texas, to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 1 MB 2015-05 2015-02-02 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to establish a process for setting and adjusting minimum bids in the auction of tax lien foreclosed property.
- 1 MB 2015-04 2015-02-02 Election Calling the annual City election.
- 1 MB 2015-03 2015-01-20 Misc. Ratifying the total expenditure of $90,385.95 without competitive bidding for the emergency repair to the fountain at the Police Building located at 777 North Galloway Avenue and authorizing payment to Irrigators Supply, Inc., for such repairs.
Total : 3073 Page