PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 199 KB 2003-20 2003-06-02 Municipal Utility Districts Creation of Kingsborough Municipal Utility District No. 4.
- 138 KB 2003-19 2003-06-02 Municipal Utility Districts Creation of Kingsborough Municipal Utility District No. 3.
- 142 KB 2003-18 2003-06-02 Municipal Utility Districts Creation of Kingsborough Municipal Utility District No. 2.
- 221 KB 2003-17 2003-06-02 Municipal Utility Districts Creation of Kingsborough Municipal Utility District No. 1.
- 68 KB 2003-16 2003-05-19 Grant Authorize City Mgr to file application for participation in 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program.
- 72 KB 2003-15 2003-05-06 Election Declaring the results of the May 3, 2003 Joint Election.
- 58 KB 2003-14 2003-05-06 Misc. Adopting the Downtown Enhancement Plan.
- 49 KB 2003-13 2003-04-21 NCTCOG Approving Storm Water Mgmt Plan & authorizing City Mgr to submit TPDES Program permit application.
- 326 KB 2003-12 2003-04-07 Dallas County Interlocal Agreement for participation in Dallas County Emergency Mosquito Control Plan.
- 37 KB 2003-11 2003-03-17 Election Appointing a representative to the Early Voting Ballot Board for the May 3, 2003 Joint Election
- 51 KB 2003-10 2003-03-17 State Urging TxDOT to construct add'l drainage structures under IH 30 at Stream 2B7
- 99 KB 2003-09 2003-03-03 Charges Amending the organizational structure and rules of procedure for the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
- 52 KB 2003-08 2003-03-03 Election Establishing precincts and polling place locations for annual City Election
- 4 MB 2003-07 2003-03-03 Election Joint Election Agreement and Election Services Contrct for annual City Election
- 42 KB 2003-06 2003-02-17 Misc. Urging the Texas Congressional Delegation to support President Bush's $3.5 billion First Responder Initiative.
- 48 KB 2003-05 2003-02-17 Tax Approving assignment of tax abatement agrmnt between the City and Icon Health & Fitness, Inc. & Panattoni-Hillwood.
- 4 MB 2003-04 2003-02-17 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 3, 2003.
- 1 MB 2003-03 2003-02-03 Tax Call a PH for 2/17/03 re Falcon's Lair TIF Reinvestment Zone No. Four Amended and Restated Project and Financing Plan.
- 77 KB 2003-02 2003-02-03 Grant Authorizing participation in the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program with Dallas County.
- 85 KB 2003-01 2003-01-06 Highways Support reconstruction & improvements to Town East Blvd overpass at U.S. Hwy 80 interchange.
Total : 3073 Page