PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 1 MB 2016-21 2016-04-18 Highways Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Standard Utility Agreement to receive reimbursement for utility relocations completed in preparation for the construction of the Interstate Highway 635 frontage road between Gross Road and US Highway 80.
- 3 MB 2016-17 2016-04-04 City Council Adopting policy issue priorities for the Year 2016 and strategic goals for the future of Mesquite.
- 641 KB 2016-16 2016-03-21 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an agreement for the purchase of electric energy from a retail energy provider at the best value for the City of Mesquite, Texas.
- 31 MB 2016-12 2016-03-07 Election Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Election Services Contract and Joint Election Services Agreement with Dallas County Elections Department in connection with the annual City election to be held May 7, 2016.
- 736 KB 2016-13 2016-03-07 Election Establishing precincts and the location of polling places for the annual City election to be held May 7, 2016.
- 737 KB 2016-14 2016-03-07 Misc. Adopting a policy prohibiting the carrying of licensed handguns into any meeting of a governmental entity that is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
- 588 KB 2016-15 2016-03-07 Highways Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the temporary closure of State right-of-way on April 2, 2016, for the City of Mesquite Rodeo Parade.
- 689 KB 2016-10 2016-02-15 Sewer Ratifying the expenditure of $69,335.22 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer force main at the Long Branch Lift Station and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 1 MB 2016-11 2016-02-15 Personnel Adopting a weapon policy for the municipal court and court offices and for city employees; and designating the municipal court building as the premises of a government court or offices utilized by the court for purposes of weapon possession.
- 2 MB 2016-05 2016-02-01 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 7, 2016.
- 13 MB 2016-06 2016-02-01 Park Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Local Project Advance Funding Agreement for a Transportation Alternatives Program with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the construction of a 12-foot wide hike and bike trail along Military Parkway from Sam Houston Road to Rodeo Center Boulevard.
- 5 MB 2016-07 2016-02-01 State Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the adoption of the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) federally-approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program.
- 1 MB 2016-08 2016-02-01 Misc. Authorizing the Fire Chief of the Mesquite Fire Department to take all actions and to execute all documents necessary or incidental to enable the City of Mesquite to participate in governmental and private reimbursement programs for the collection of fees for ambulance and other emergency medical services provided by the Mesquite Fire Department.
- 2 MB 2016-09 2016-02-01 Issuance of Bonds Directing publication of Notice of Intention to Issue City of Mesquite, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016 and resolving other matters related thereto.
- 2 MB 2016-03 2016-01-19 Issuance of Bonds Approving a bond resolution by Mesquite Health Facilities Development Corporation providing for the issuance of bonds for Christian Care Centers, Inc.
- 669 KB 2016-04 2016-01-19 Misc. Approving a variance to permit existing driveways to remain along the U.S. Highway 80 service road at 9600 East U.S. Highway 80 (the former Big Town Mall site).
- 1022 KB 2016-01 2016-01-04 NCTCOG Authorizing the filing of a project application in the amount of $39,489.00 with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for a Regional Solid Waste Program Local Implementation Project, authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City of Mesquite in all matters related to the application and pledging that if funding for this project is received, the City of Mesquite will comply with all project requirements of the NCTCOG, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas.
- 1020 KB 2016-02 2016-01-04 NCTCOG Authorizing the filing of a project application in the amount of $40,220.00 with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for a Regional Solid Waste Program Local Implementation Project, authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City of Mesquite in all matters related to the application and pledging that if funding for this project is received, the City of Mesquite will comply with all project requirements of the NCTCOG, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas.
- 812 KB 2015-62 2015-12-21 Grant Endorsing the 2015-16 Impaired Driving Mobilization Grant for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with the Texas Department of Transportation.
- 5 MB 2015-63 2015-12-21 Dallas County Accepting the donation of two tracts of real property from Dallas County and authorizing the City Manager to approve and execute all documents and take all actions necessary to consummate such donation.
Total : 3073 Page