PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 379 KB 1965-27 1965-07-06 Street - Assessment Royal Crest Dr. from Kearney St. to Greenleaf Ln. & Juanita St. to alley south Longview
- 135 KB 1965-28 1965-07-06 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 135 KB 1965-29 1965-07-06 Alley - Assessment Ridgefield Circle and Darien Dr. from Ridgefield Circle to Darien Dr.
- 174 KB 1965-30 1965-07-06 Alley - Assessment Lisa Lane and Susan Drive from Lisa Lane to Gross Road
- 191 KB 1965-31 1965-07-06 Alley - Assessment Motley Dr. and Laurel Lane and La Prada Dr. to San Marcus Drive
- 247 KB 1965-32 1965-07-06 Alley - Assessment East of Modlin St. from Oates Dr. to Dumont Dr.
- 319 KB 1965-33 1965-07-06 Street - Assessment Newsom St. from S. Bryan St. to pioneer Road
- 291 KB 1965-22 1965-06-07 Alley - Assessment East of Modlin St. from Oates Dr. to Dumont Drive
- 245 KB 1965-20 1965-05-17 Street - Assessment Gross St. from S. Galloway Ave. to bryan St.
- 284 KB 1965-21 1965-05-17 Street - Assessment Janice St. from Juanita St. to Rayburn Avenue
- 308 KB 1965-18 1965-05-03 Alley - Assessment Lisa Lane and Susan Dr. from Lisa Lane to Gross Road
- 305 KB 1965-19 1965-05-03 Alley - Assessment Motley dr. and Laurel Lane from La Prada Dr. to San Marcus
- 166 KB 1965-17 1965-04-20 Election Canvass returns of run-off election for Mayor and Councilman 6
- 315 KB 1965-16 1965-04-19 Alley - Assessment Ridgefield Circle and Darien Dr. from Ridgefield Circle to Darien Dr.
- 193 KB 1965-14 1965-04-06 Election Canvass returns and declare results of election 4-6-65 for Mayor and Council 1, 2, 6
- 193 KB 1965-15 1965-04-06 Election Run-off election 4-20-65 for Mayor and Place 6
- 169 KB 1965-11 1965-04-05 Street - Assessment Rosabelle Dr. from Gus Thomasson Rd. to west of Gus Thomasson Rd.
- 253 KB 1965-12 1965-04-05 Street - Assessment Masters Dr. from Forney Rd. to U.S. Highway 80
- 458 KB 1965-13 1965-04-05 Street - Assessment Gross St. from S. Galloway Ave. to Bryan St.
- 471 KB 1965-08 1965-03-01 Street - Assessment Masters Drive from Forney Rd. to U.S. Highway 80
Total : 3074 Page