PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 47 KB 1999-04 1999-02-01 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse costs for water & sewer system imps.
- 107 KB 1999-02 1999-02-01 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse costs for street & park imps.
- 107 KB 1999-03 1999-02-01 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse costs for purchase of computers & vehicles.
- 108 KB 1999-01 1999-02-01 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse costs for Police Dept & municipal imps.
- 1 MB 2012-26 2012-09-17 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse 2013 Certificate of Obligation and Water and Sewer Revenue Bond project costs incurred prior to the date of issuance of the obligations.
- 1 MB 2012-15 2012-05-21 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse 2012 Certificate of Obligation and Water and Sewer Revenue Bond project costs incurred prior to the date of issuance of the obligations.
- 485 KB 2021-66 2021-10-04 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of future obligations.
- 220 KB 2022-41 2022-10-17 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of future obligations.
- 225 KB 2023-48 2023-10-02 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of future obligations.
- 340 KB 2024-42 2024-10-07 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of future obligations.
- 102 KB 2006-72 2006-12-04 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse costs for street impr., police/city hall, architectural fees, airport, mun. bldgs (Cert. Of Oblication).
- 99 KB 2006-74 2006-12-04 Issuance of Bonds Expressing intent to reimburse costs for computer equip, vehicles, street & solid waste equip & forklifts (Pers. Prop. Cont. Obl).
- 66 KB 1970-25 1970-09-08 Misc. Express sympathy to Mrs. Steve Matthews and appreciation for accomplishments of Steve
- 82 KB 1976-06 1976-04-03 Misc. Express sympathy to family of Emmitt O. Evans
- 218 KB 1991-17 1991-07-15 Misc. Express sympathy to family of Bill Shaw.
- 93 KB 1971-09 1971-03-01 State Express support of Senate Bill 292 through 301 for State Aid to the Deaf
- 95 KB 1991-16 1991-07-15 Tax Express support of adopt of addl 1/2 of 1% sales/use tax to be used to reduce the prop tax rate.
- 139 KB 2001-41 2001-08-20 Misc. Express support for the 2012 Olympic election process.
- 70 KB 2001-53 2001-10-15 State Express support for Proposition No. 15 on 11-6-01 Constitutional Amendment Ballot re Texas Mobility Fund.
- 166 KB 1971-28 1971-09-20 Misc. Express support for local control of public schools
Total : 3073 Page