PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 84 KB 1989-24 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML support leg. amend. tax code-allow cities to use tax rev. fm. hotel-motel occ. tax for econ. dev.
- 95 KB 1989-25 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support leg. require State Compt. to disclose inf. relating to hotel-motel tax coll. to cities
- 83 KB 1989-26 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support leg.-criminal offense for oper. of mtr. veh. to fail to carry proof of fin. resp.
- 96 KB 1989-27 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support leg. to amend tax code relate to eligibility of municipalities-adopt addl. sales tax
- 94 KB 1989-28 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urging TML to support leg. to allow cities to purchase used equip. at going-out-of-business sales, etc.
- 95 KB 1989-29 1989-08-21 Texas Municipal League Urging TML to support leg. reforming the Workmen's Compensation system in Tex.
- 100 KB 1990-30 1990-06-18 Texas Municipal League Urge TML sprt leg. reg. hotel/motel subj. local hotel occp tax-surety bnd/cash dep.-insure pay clct taxes.
- 90 KB 1990-31 1990-06-18 Texas Municipal League Urge TML encrg State Brd Of Ins. & Fire Marshal's off. to review current procedures & initiate changes.
- 94 KB 1990-35 1990-08-03 Texas Municipal League Urge TML to support legislation requiring newspaper publishers to use recycled newsprint.
- 46 KB 1998-26 1998-08-03 Texas Municipal League Urging TML to sponsor legislation to increase penalty for auto theft.
- 90 KB 1971-35 1971-11-01 Tribute Express appreciation to Judge W. L. "Lew" Sterrett for 50 years
- 135 KB 1974-41 1974-12-02 Tribute Pay tribute to Mesquite "Skeeter" for their victory over Wichita Falls Rider
- 91 KB 1974-42 1974-12-02 Tribute Pay tribute to North Mesquite High Track Team
- 94 KB 1974-48 1974-12-16 Tribute Appreciation of "Skeeters" in the game with Brazoswood for State championship
- 85 KB 1975-09 1975-03-03 Tribute Pay tribute to North Mesquite High School boys basketball team
- 140 KB 1975-17 1975-05-05 Tribute Gratitude to David Pickett, Commissioner for additional sports facilities to youth
- 172 KB 1975-18 1975-06-02 Tribute Appreciate Senators Tower & Bentsen, Congress. Steelman for emergency generator
- 134 KB 1975-35 1975-11-17 Tribute Express appreciation to Attorney General and Jim Weaver for assistance
- 134 KB 1976-05 1976-02-16 Tribute Gay and Henson for winning world championship bull riding and bronco riding titles
- 85 KB 1976-25 1976-11-01 Tribute Express appreciation to Mesquite Capital Improvement Bond Program Steering Committee
Total : 3074 Page