PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 75 MB 2021-28 2021-05-03 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Master Development Agreement and Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of Mesquite, Texas, and Alcott Logistics Partners, LP, and Alcott Logistics Station Tract D, LP, regarding the sale of a portion and options to purchase the remaining portions for development of approximately 75.01 acres of City-owned land generally located south of East Scyene Road and west of Faithon P. Lucas, Sr., Boulevard in the City and the granting of certain economic development incentives, said development to be a Master Planned Industrial Development with common amenities, design standards, and consistent with the operation of a Class A Industrial Business Park to be known as “Alcott Logistics Station”; authorizing the City Manager to take such actions and execute such documents as are necessary or advisable to consummate the transactions contemplated by the agreement; authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City; and providing a severability clause.
- 12 MB 2021-29 2021-05-03 Tax Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a reimbursement agreement between the City of Mesquite, Texas, Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone Number Fourteen, City of Mesquite, Texas (Alcott Logistics Station) (the “TIRZ”) and Alcott Logistics Station Tract D, LP, regarding the reimbursement of project costs for public improvements within the TIRZ.
- 303 KB 2021-31 2021-05-17 Tax Authorizing the sale of three tax-foreclosed properties located at 1004 Grande Drive, 907 Jardin Drive and 810 Leyenda Drive in Mesquite, Texas (the “Properties”); accepting the offers from Hossain Dezham (the “Purchaser”) to purchase the Properties; ratifying and approving the Offer and Purchase Agreements executed by the Purchaser setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the Properties; consenting to the termination, release and discharge of certain covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed on the Properties; authorizing the City Manager to execute a Release of Deed Restrictions and a Quitclaim Deed with respect to each of the Properties; and authorizing the City Manager to take all actions and execute all other documents necessary or requested to complete the closing and sale of the properties.
- 829 KB 2021-35 2021-06-21 Tax Authorizing the sale of tax-foreclosed property located at 1212 Crest Park Drive in Mesquite, Texas (the Property); accepting the offer from Oscar L. Castillo (the Purchaser) to purchase the property; ratifying and approving the Offer and Purchase Agreement executed by the Purchaser setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the property; and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Quitclaim Deed and all other necessary or requested documents to complete the closing and sale of the property.
- 347 KB 2021-40 2021-07-06 Tax Authorizing the sale of tax-foreclosed property located at 2200 Baker Drive in Mesquite, Texas (the Property); accepting the offer from Kamal Alkak (the Purchaser) to purchase the property; ratifying and approving the Offer and Purchase Agreement executed by the Purchaser setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the Property; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Quitclaim Deed and all other documents necessary or requested to complete the closing and sale of the Property.
- 16 MB 2021-42 2021-07-06 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement (380 Agreement) with LF Gateway LP, for the construction and development of the property located at 3201 East Cartwright Road, in the City of Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 7 MB 2021-47 2021-08-16 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement with Landmark at the Meadows, LLC, for the construction and development of the property located at 2401 and 2601 East Meadows Boulevard, Mesquite, Texas, and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 5 MB 2021-52 2021-09-07 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City of Mesquite (the “City”); authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an amendment to an Economic Development Program Agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) between the City, Skyline Trade Center B, LLC, and H&K International, Inc., for the expansion of new jobs and the extension of lease terms at a property located at 2200 Skyline Drive, Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to administer the amendment for such purposes and to take all actions necessary or advisable to complete the transactions contemplated by the amendment on behalf of the City.
- 9 MB 2021-58 2021-09-20 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development program Chapter 380 Agreement with Creation Re, LLC, for the construction and development of a Class A industrial business park located at 1600 East US Highway 80 and 2000 East US Highway 80, in the City of Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute, and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 19 MB 2021-59 2021-09-20 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement with TDI Valleybrooke LLC, for the construction and development of the property located at 2400, 2402, 2404, and 2800 Mesquite Valley Road in the City of Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute, and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 3 MB 2021-60 2021-09-20 Tax Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a First Amendment to the Master Development Agreement and Chapter 380 Agreement between Alcott Logistics Partners, LP, Alcott Logistics Station Tract D, LP, and the City of Mesquite, Texas, for the early exercise of second purchase option of Tract C, identifying a third-party developer for the acquisition and development of Tract C and related matters; and authorizing the City Manager to administer the amendment for such purposes and to take all actions necessary or advisable to complete the transactions contemplated by the amendment on behalf of the City.
- 5 MB 2021-62 2021-09-20 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement with Vehicle Accessories, Inc., for the corporate relocation and creation of new jobs to the property located at 2700 East Scyene road in the City of Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute, and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 6 MB 2021-61 2021-09-20 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the city; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement with Jackson-Shaw Company for the construction and development of the property located at 2700 East Scyene Road in the City of Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 8 MB 2021-70 2021-10-18 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an economic development program Chapter 380 Agreement with CH Realty IX-CE I Mesquite 635, LP, for the construction and development of a Class A Industrial Business Park located at the southeast corner of US Highway 80 and IH-635, in the City of Mesquite, Texas; authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the agreement on behalf of the City; and providing a repealer clause and specifically repealing Resolution No. 2021-58.
- 5 MB 2021-71 2021-10-18 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement for such purposes with AIP Mesquite, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, for the construction and development of industrial and commercial workspace shops and studios located at 2828 IH-30 in Mesquite, Texas, and authorizing the City Manager to administer the Agreement on behalf of the City.
- 4 MB 2021-73 2021-11-01 Tax Approving a Reimbursement Agreement relating to the Heartland Town Center Public Improvement District Phase #2 Specific Improvements.
- 2 MB 2021-74 2021-11-01 Tax Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Fourth Amendment to the Iron Horse Development Agreement to (I) amend Section 2.02(A)(II) “Project Overview – Iron Horse Development” to reduce the minimum square footage of restaurant and retail space from 130,000 square feet to 126,000 square feet, and (II) amend Section 6.04(F) “Zoning of the Property” to reduce the minimum square footage of air conditioned restaurant space and allow retail space to satisfy the square footage minimum, the reduction being from 30,000 square feet to 26,000 square feet, to establish a commencement and completion date for such improvements and to provide a penalty for failure to meet said completion date, for property commonly referred to as “Iron Horse Village” and being generally located north of Rodeo Drive, south of Scyene Road (also known as State Highway 352), east of Stadium Drive, and west of Rodeo Center Boulevard within the corporate limits of the City of Mesquite in Dallas County, Texas.
- 5 MB 2021-75 2021-11-01 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an Economic Development Program Chapter 380 Agreement for such purposes with QT South, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, for the construction and development of a retail fuel center and convenience store located at 5040 Lawson Road in Mesquite, Texas, and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute, and administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 10 MB 2021-76 2021-11-01 Tax Approving the terms and conditions of a program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the city; authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a TIRZ No. 8 Reimbursement Agreement and Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement for such purposes with the Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone Number 8, John Brian Hutcheson, Aggie Chick & Feed Store, Inc., and Mesquite Feed & Hardware, Inc., for the construction of a new retail building and redevelopment of a retail center located at 4401, 4407, and 4415 Gus Thomasson Road in Mesquite, Texas; and authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
- 12 MB 2021-78 2021-11-15 Tax Accepting the preliminary Amended and Restated Service and Assessment Plan for authorized improvements within improvement area #2 the Heartland Town Center Public Improvement District; setting a date for public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments; authorizing the publication and mailing of notice; and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
Total : 3080 Page