PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 177 KB 1979-53 1979-12-31 Creation of Corporations Formation of Housing Finance Corp. appoint Board of Directors
- 81 KB 1981-24 1981-11-02 Creation of Corporations Creation of Health Facilities Development Corporation
- 3 MB 2024-13 2024-03-04 Creation of Corporations Authorizing the creation of the Inland Port of Dallas County Local Government Corporation, Inc., as a Local Government Corporation; approving the Form of Certificate of Formation for said corporation; approving the Form of Bylaws for said corporation; appointing the initial members of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and providing an effective date.
- 109 KB 1997-32 1997-09-15 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 41 KB 2000-36 2000-08-21 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 50 KB 2003-43 2003-08-18 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 45 KB 2006-49 2006-08-21 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 48 KB 2009-27 2009-08-17 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 574 KB 2012-23 2012-09-04 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 1 MB 2015-38 2015-08-17 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 90 KB 1961-52 1961-07-03 Dallas County Study to determine future courthouse facilities of Dallas County to issue bonds
- 104 KB 1969-03 1969-02-03 Dallas County Adopt County Road Bond Improvement Program to be voted on 2-25-69
- 96 KB 1971-36 1971-11-01 Dallas County With County of Dallas as sub-agent for implementation of Emergency Employ Act
- 223 KB 1973-29 1973-11-01 Dallas County Adopt Prop 1973 Dall County Thoroughfare Improve bond program
- 136 KB 1975-14 1975-04-14 Dallas County Oppose proposed 170 million dollar County Road Bond Program
- 74 KB 1977-26 1977-10-22 Dallas County County Bond Program, 11-8-77
- 144 KB 1979-18 1979-05-21 Dallas County Oppose proposed charges for use of Dallas County Crime Lab
- 191 KB 1979-27 1979-06-18 Dallas County Support of future Dallas County bond issue
- 69 KB 1980-03 1980-01-07 Dallas County Support Parkland Hospital Bond Election held 1-19-80
- 64 KB 1980-31 1980-10-20 Dallas County Supporting the Dallas County Open Space Plan
Total : 3040 Page