PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 94 KB 1984-27 1984-11-19 Misc. Support of City of Rockwall efforts re extended area phone service
- 95 KB 1984-28 1984-11-19 Misc. Adopt Southeast Mesquite Density Distribution Plan
- 95 KB 1984-29 1984-12-10 Railroad Execute pipeline license re 12" waterline M-P R.R. - S.H. 352
- 126 KB 1984-30 1984-12-10 Issuance of Bonds Notice of sale of $6,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 1985
- 37 KB 1984-31 1984-12-17 Cable TV Require Warner Amex to correct violations re Cable TV
- 330 KB 1984-32 1984-11-05 Misc. Assure perpetual maintenance of certain improvements
- 619 KB 1984-33 1984-12-17 Street - Assessment Reconstruct of Oates Dr. from I635 to east city limits
- 571 KB 1984-34 1984-12-21 Street - Assessment Relocate of Scyene Rd. between Pioneer Rd. and Berry Rd.
- 283 KB 1985-01 1985-01-07 Street - Assessment Barnes Bridge Road and Town EAst Boulevard improvements
- 148 KB 1985-02 1985-01-07 Grant Accept grant offer form FAA ($29,700) Master Plan for Airport
- 132 KB 1985-03 1985-01-07 Grant Grant application from Parks and Wildlife Dept. form Kimball park
- 156 KB 1985-04 1985-01-07 Grant Grant application operating assistance for elderly and handicapped
- 155 KB 1985-05 1985-01-07 Grant Grant application from Parks and Wildlife Dept. from Austin Park
- 196 KB 1985-06 1985-01-21 Election Call election for Mayor and Places 1, 2, and 6
- 266 KB 1985-07 1985-01-21 Street - Assessment Close public hearing re Oates Dr. reconstruction
- 238 KB 1985-08 1985-01-21 Street - Assessment Close public hearing re relocation of Scyene Rd.
- 94 KB 1985-09 1985-01-21 Street City fund amount over $395,000 paid by Dallas County re Scyene Rd. Relocation Project
- 328 KB 1985-10 1985-01-21 Street Authorize projects: Galloway Extension and Barnes bridge Road
- 68 KB 1985-11 1985-01-21 Street City fund amount over $34,524 paid by Dallas county re electrical conduit Scyene Road
- 101 KB 1985-12 1985-03-04 Dallas County Support passage of Dallas County Bond Election
Total : 3073 Page