PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 431 KB 2012-28 2012-10-15 Misc. Ratifying the expenditure of $63,059.36 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer aerial crossing near Cedar Drive in Paschall Park and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 689 KB 2016-10 2016-02-15 Sewer Ratifying the expenditure of $69,335.22 without competitive bidding for emergency permanent repairs to the 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer force main at the Long Branch Lift Station and authorizing payment to Tri-Con Services, Inc., for such repairs.
- 75 KB 2009-38 2009-10-19 NCTCOG Ratifying the request for project funding in the amount of $103,000.00 under the NCTCOGÆs Request for Project Applications of the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding Program, authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City in all matters related to the applications and to include compliance with the project requirements as established by NCTCOG, the TCEQ and the State of Texas, if selected for funding.
- 2 MB 2020-14 2020-03-02 Misc. Ratifying the total expenditure of $71,935.49 without competitive bidding for the emergency repair to the fountain at City Hall located at 757 North Galloway Avenue and authorizing payment to Irrigators Supply, Inc., for such repairs.
- 245 KB 2020-49 2020-10-05 Misc. Ratifying the total expenditure of $76,312.08 without competitive bidding for the emergency repair and replacement of the sewer line that serves the Vanston Park Concession Stand located at 3003 Oates Drive and authorizing payment to DMI Corporation for such repairs.
- 1 MB 2015-03 2015-01-20 Misc. Ratifying the total expenditure of $90,385.95 without competitive bidding for the emergency repair to the fountain at the Police Building located at 777 North Galloway Avenue and authorizing payment to Irrigators Supply, Inc., for such repairs.
- 4 MB 2007-15 2007-04-02 Misc. Receiving and adopting the Casa View Heights Neighborhood Plan.
- 5 MB 2007-06 2007-02-19 Misc. Receiving and adopting the Mesquite Park Neighborhood Plan.
- 4 MB 2007-09 2007-03-05 Misc. Receiving and adopting the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Plan.
- 5 MB 2007-11 2007-03-19 Misc. Receiving and adopting the Truman Heights Neighborhood Plan.
- 44 KB 2002-65 2002-12-16 Tax Recognize & accept merger of McKinley Container w/ Durango McKinley Paper for Tax Abattement Agreeement dated 3-18-02.
- 222 KB 2001-24 2001-06-05 Tax Recognize chg in ownership from NRG to Kaufman Cogen & approve terms/conditions of new tax abatement agmt.
- 89 KB 1994-08 1994-03-21 Tribute Recognize Serv Cntr emp who restored antique fire eng donated by George Lucas
- 45 KB 2000-55 2000-12-04 Tax Recognizing & accepting transition & chg in ownership & control of Duke Energy to NRG Energy.
- 163 KB 1995-41 1995-12-18 Tribute Recognizing Supt John Horn as Texas Supt of the Year.
- 100 KB 2005-49 2005-11-07 Water Recognizing the obsolescence of High Water Operations Plan adopted in 1973 & revised in 1975 & eliminating it as a document
- 168 KB 1997-37 1997-10-20 Tribute Recognizing TxDOT on its 80th anniversary.
- 83 KB 1971-07 1971-03-01 State Recommending delay of passage of revised Texas Penal Code
- 677 KB 1985-37 1985-10-21 Street - Assessment Reconstruct N. Galloway from I30 to Oates Dr.
- 1 MB 1985-38 1985-10-21 Street - Assessment Reconstruct N. Galloway from Oates to La Prada
Total : 3074 Page