PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 170 KB 1986-07 1986-02-17 State Support for Legislation to Combat Crime in Texas
- 167 KB 1987-09 1987-03-16 State offer state ROW at Galloway and I635
- 94 KB 1988-36 1988-08-15 State Support Legislation to allow cities purchase used equipment at auctions
- 108 KB 1988-38 1988-08-15 State Support Texas Good Roads limit federal motor fuel tax revenues
- 100 KB 1988-46 1988-09-19 State Participation in theState of Texas Purchasing Program.
- 105 KB 1989-30 1989-08-21 State Authorizing participation in the State of Texas Purchasing Program
- 83 KB 1990-36 1990-08-06 State Authorizing participation in the State of Texas Purchasing Program
- 84 KB 1991-20 1991-08-05 State Request State Purc & Gen Serv Comm to include Mesquite in annual Purchasing Contract.
- 188 KB 1991-32 1991-10-07 State Sprt Prop. 4 11/5/91 ballot-authorize State iss bonds bld addl prison space/substance abuse treatment fac.
- 175 KB 1992-16 1992-06-01 State Express opposition to TDOH's plan to mandate Occupational Safety & Health regulations on local govts.
- 182 KB 1992-18 1992-07-06 State Support passage of leg allow home rule cities to reg consp of alcoholic bev in public places
- 98 KB 1992-20 1992-08-03 State Authorizing participation in the State of Texas Purchasing Program
- 179 KB 1992-30 1992-10-05 State Enc State Leg to fund prov. of HB 791-coord/support of statewide sys of poison & drug information services
- 223 KB 1993-15 1993-08-02 State Auth participation in the State of Tex Purchasing Program
- 307 KB 1994-21 1994-08-01 State Authorize participation in State of Texas Purchasing Program
- 169 KB 1994-24 1994-08-15 State Seeking fair share allocation of State solid waste fees from TNRCC
- 107 KB 1994-32 1994-10-03 State Authorize Gereal Hogue to request reg of police patrol veh exempt under Tex Rev Civ Stat Ann Art 6701m-2
- 87 KB 1995-04 1995-02-20 State Authorize City participation in Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Prog admin by TDOT
- 108 KB 1995-09 1995-03-20 State Urge State Leg to enact bill allow person 18 yrs of age before gen elect for State/Cnty officers to vote in preceding prim elections
- 187 KB 1995-12 1995-03-20 State Support most conv/costeffective means to admin Sta Veh Emisions Test Prog/call Congress to enact leg to ext Clean Air Act deadline.
Total : 3045 Page