PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 1 MB 2002-44 2002-09-03 Investment Policy Adopt a revised Investment Policy.
- 162 KB 2002-45 2002-09-03 Misc. Ratify expenditure of $59,066.00 to Berger Engineering Company for emergency contract for chiller at City Hall.
- 495 KB 2002-46 2002-09-03 Park Amend Parks Facility Use Agreement.
- 42 KB 2002-47 2002-09-03 Highways Authorize City Mgr to execute a Local Project Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT for SH190 between IH30 & IH20.
- 42 KB 2002-37 2002-08-19 Newspaper Designate the official newspaper for the City of Mesquite for a one-year period beginning Oct 1, 2002.
- 116 KB 2002-38 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for street improvements (GO Bonds).
- 118 KB 2002-39 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for municipal improvements (COs)
- 115 KB 2002-40 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for water and sewer system improvements.
- 114 KB 2002-41 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for Personal Property COs.
- 116 KB 2002-42 2002-08-19 Issuance of Bonds Express official intent to reimburse costs for Drainage Utility District improvements.
- 60 KB 2002-43 2002-08-19 State Support legislation to permit photographic traffic signal enforcement. (red light enforcement)
- 44 KB 2002-35 2002-08-05 City Council Determining that the existing City Council District boundaries shall remain unchanged.
- 140 KB 2002-36 2002-08-05 Grant Authorize the Mayor to execute a grant agmt w/US EPA re funding for Water System Vulnerability Assessment & Emergency Response/Opearting Plan.
- 94 KB 2002-33 2002-07-15 Tax Approve the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation budget for fiscal year 2002-03.
- 74 KB 2002-34 2002-07-15 Grant Adopt FY2002-03 CDBG Annual Action Plan, designate a CEO & authorize filing of application through HUD.
- 68 KB 2002-32 2002-07-01 Grant Submittal of grant appl for $64,299 to Justice Dept, Bureau of Justice, for 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program.
- 201 KB 2002-31 2002-06-17 NTMWD Authorize Mayor to execute interlocal agmt w/NTMWD to provide delivery of additional treated water to SE Pump Station.
- 134 KB 2002-25 2002-06-03 Tax Adopting the 2001-02 Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation amended budget.
- 253 KB 2002-26 2002-06-03 Misc. Authorize Mayor to execute interlocal agmt w/MISD re Twin Oaks Drive median improvements.
- 956 KB 2002-27 2002-06-03 Highways Authorize Mayor to execute Master Advanced Funding Agreement w/TxDOT.
Total : 3073 Page