PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 359 KB 2001-30 2001-07-02 Park Adopt the Southeast Mesquite Regional Park Master Plan.
- 2 MB 2000-34 2000-08-07 Grant Adopt the 2000-03 CDBG Consolidated Plan.
- 71 KB 2000-35 2000-08-07 Grant Adopt the 2000-01 CDBG Annual Action Plan & file application.
- 272 KB 1972-22 1972-08-21 Street Adopt street improvement policy
- 197 KB 1971-21 1971-08-02 Sewer Adopt statement regarding future waste water treatment
- 157 KB 1974-33A 1974-10-05 Election Adopt state law applicable to Policemen to establish collective bargaining
- 95 KB 1965-49 1965-11-08 Personnel Adopt State Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Act
- 82 KB 1962-02 1962-01-15 Specifications Adopt specifications for construction of water and sewer lines
- 95 KB 1984-28 1984-11-19 Misc. Adopt Southeast Mesquite Density Distribution Plan
- 183 KB 1996-39 1996-11-04 Misc. Adopt rules to implement Chpt 574 of Tex Gov't Code-Assoc.Mun.Judge Robert Beasley.
- 60 KB 1973-12 1973-04-02 City Council Adopt rules and procedures for city council
- 189 KB 1996-32 1996-10-21 Mesq Thoroughfare Plan Adopt revisions of Thoroughfare Plan.
- 618 KB 1999-39 1999-09-07 Tax Adopt revised tax abatement guidelines and criteria.
- 644 KB 2001-46 2001-09-04 Tax Adopt revised tax abatement guidelines & criteria.
- 1 MB 1986-40 1986-12-01 City Council Adopt revised rules of procedure
- 252 KB 1984-26 1984-11-05 Street Adopt revised alley paving policy including utility easements
- 1 MB 2001-49 2001-09-17 Investment Policy Adopt review Investment Policy.
- 223 KB 1973-29 1973-11-01 Dallas County Adopt Prop 1973 Dall County Thoroughfare Improve bond program
- 799 KB 1988-07 1988-04-04 Tax Adopt procedural guidelines and criteria evaluating reinvestment zone applications
- 381 KB 1988-08 1988-04-04 Personnel Adopt policy prohibiting sexual harassment by or against City employees
Total : 3074 Page