Res# |
Date |
Subject |
Description |
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2020-44 |
2020-09-21 |
Water |
Authorizing the acquisition and transfer of the Markout Water Supply Corporation (“Markout”) water system and customers to the City of Mesquite, Texas (“Mesquite”); authorizing the City Manager to execute such documents and to take such actions as necessary or requested to complete the acquisition and transfer of the Markout water system and customers to Mesquite; authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer a Memorandum of Understanding between Mesquite and the City of Forney, Texas (“Forney”) defining the expectations and responsibilities of both Cities related to the acquisition by Mesquite of the Markout water system and customers and division of the Markout water system including, without limitation, the transfer to Forney of the rights to provide water service to the Grayhawk subdivision located in Forney. |
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2021-23 |
2021-05-03 |
Grant |
Authorizing the acceptance of the Dallas County New Directions in Public Safety Grant in an amount not to exceed $1,045,000.00, authorizing the City Manager to execute the required Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County on behalf of the City of Mesquite and authorizing the City Manager as the authorized official to manage, reject, alter, or terminate the grant on behalf of the City. |
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2020-16 |
2020-04-20 |
Housing |
Authorizing the acceptance of a voluntary transfer of Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers from the City of Balch Springs, Texas, as of July 1, 2020, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. |
- 382 KB |
2021-89 |
2021-12-20 |
Grant |
Authorizing the submission of the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Programs Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). |
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2006-07 |
2006-02-06 |
Grant |
Authorizing submittal of joint grant appl. In the amount of $20,462 to U.S. Dept. of Justice - JAG Grant - Police Dept. |
- 61 KB |
1998-23 |
1998-07-31 |
Grant |
Authorizing submittal of appl for 1999 Tex Urban Main Street Program. |
- 70 KB |
2009-24 |
2009-07-20 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant applications with the Federal Transit Administration under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the applications. |
- 219 KB |
2006-44 |
2006-07-17 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant applications with FTA & TxDOT for MTED & authorize CM to execute applications. |
- 71 KB |
2003-31 |
2003-06-16 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant application w/FTA under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. |
- 189 KB |
1997-39 |
1997-11-03 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant appl w/TxDOT under the Urban Mass Transportation Act. |
- 71 KB |
1999-12 |
1999-03-01 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant appl w/Fed Transit Adm under the TEA21 Act. |
- 184 KB |
1997-23 |
1997-07-07 |
Grant |
Authorizing submission of grant appl to Tx Parks & wildlife Dept for dev of City Lake Pool. |
- 96 KB |
1989-02 |
1989-01-16 |
Misc. |
Authorizing Ron Capehart to request registration of police patrol vehicles |
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2022-15 |
2022-04-04 |
Issuance of Bonds |
Authorizing publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation; approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a notice of sale; and providing for the effective date thereof. |
- 260 KB |
2023-13 |
2023-04-03 |
Issuance of Bonds |
Authorizing publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation; approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a notice of sale; and providing for the effective date thereof. |
- 281 KB |
2021-14 |
2021-04-05 |
Issuance of Bonds |
Authorizing publication of Notice of Intention to issue Certificates of Obligation, approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a notice of sale and providing for the effective date thereof. |
- 332 KB |
2024-23 |
2024-06-03 |
Issuance of Bonds |
Authorizing publication of Notice of Intention to issue Certificate of Obligation, approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a notice of sale, and providing for the effective date thereof. |
- 35 KB |
2003-58 |
2003-10-06 |
Misc. |
Authorizing participation in the Texas Building and Procurement Commission Cooperative Purchasing Program. |
- 106 KB |
2004-41 |
2004-10-04 |
Misc. |
Authorizing participation in the Texas Building and Procurement Commission Cooperative Purchasing Program. |
- 129 KB |
2005-41 |
2005-10-04 |
Misc. |
Authorizing participation in the Texas Building and Procurement Commission Cooperative Purchasing Program. |