The Mesquite Police Department believes in a Problem Oriented Policing philosophy. This is a form of community policing where the Department, actively working with the community, tries to understand and address the issues that lead to crime within our city.

The Mesquite Police Department tries to be proactive in policing and stay aware of developing crime trends within the city. We rely on our partners, citizens and visitors to Mesquite, to help us identify areas that need police attention.

This section is intended for sharing information about possible criminal activity and quality of life issues that the police department can address. It is not intended for making criminal offense reports. To make an offense report for a crime that occurred in Mesquite, call 972-216-6759.

Below you will see a map of the City of Mesquite, divided into 9 geographic areas (plus AMC-30 and Town East Mall). Each of those nine areas has a police supervisor personally assigned to ensure that all Problem Oriented Policing issues in their area are successfully addressed. Selecting an area of the map and entering information about police related issues is a way for you to communicate directly with the responsible supervisor and with the patrol officers who work the streets of your area (through the computer in their vehicle). Please provide any information that you think would be helpful to those officers.