PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 74 KB 2007-46 2007-10-02 Franchise - Gas Suspend 10/25/07 eff. Date of Atmos Energy requested rate change, approving cooperation w/ACSC to hire legal counsel.
- 170 KB 2008-33 2008-07-21 Franchise - Gas Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement to participate in the Oncor Standing Steering Committee.
- 884 KB 2012-02 2012-02-20 Franchise - Gas Suspending the March 6, 2012, effective date of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division requested rate change to permit the City time to study the request and establish reasonable rates; approving cooperation with Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ôACSCö) and other cities in the Atmos Mid-Tex service area to hire legal and consulting services and to negotiate with the company and direct any necessary litigation and appeals; requiring reimbursement of CitiesÆ rate case expenses; and requiring notice of this resolution to the company and ACSÆs legal counsel.
- 1011 KB 2012-13 2012-05-07 Franchise - Gas Denying Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex DivisionÆs requested rate change and requiring the company to reimburse the CityÆs reasonable ratemaking expenses.
- 238 KB 2014-14 2014-05-05 Franchise - Gas Denying the rate increase requested by Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division under the CompanyÆs 2014 annual Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction, requiring Company to reimburse citiesÆ reasonable ratemaking expenses to review of the RRM, authorizing CityÆs participation w/ Atmos Cities Steering Committee in any appeal filed at the Railroad Commission of Texas by the Company, requiring Company to reimburse citiesÆ reasonable ratemaking expenses in any such appeal to Railroad Commission, determining that this resolution was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act, adopting a savings clause, and requiring delivery of this resolution to the company and the steering committeeÆs legal counsel.
- 339 KB 2024-12 2024-03-04 Franchise - Gas Authorizing continued participation in the Atmos Cities Steering Committee; and authorizing the payment of five cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation.
- 92 KB 1971-04 1971-02-15 Franchise - Telephone Set local telephone rates and franchise fees
- 2 MB 1986-29 1986-08-18 Franchise - Telephone Enter contract with Southwestern Bell for 911 service
- 91 KB 1987-32 1987-11-02 Franchise - Telephone Consider approval of participating in Telephone Franchise Study Committee with fee
- 111 KB 1994-15 1994-04-18 Franchise - Telephone Auth participation in class action law suit against Southwestern Bell
- 48 KB 1999-52 1999-11-15 Franchise - Telephone Authorize staff to proceed w/filing re HB1777 re telecommunication franchising incl est category rates.
- 53 KB 2001-39 2001-08-20 Grant Request financial assistance from TxDOT for hangar taxiway improvements at Mesquite Metro Airport.
- 59 KB 1967-03 1967-01-16 Grant Designate officer to request grant from state of Texas Park and Wildlife Department
- 91 KB 1971-37 1971-12-06 Grant Designate officer to request from State of Texas Park & Wildlife Dept.-Paschall Park
- 100 KB 1971-38 1971-12-06 Grant Designate officer to request from State of Texas Park $ Wildlife Dept.-Town East Tract
- 84 KB 1972-14 1972-06-05 Grant Des Chief Grayson federal grant rel to Greater Dallas Area Organized Crime Task Force
- 93 KB 1972-30 1972-09-18 Grant Des off request grant from Tex Crim Just Council to est Mesq Police Community Services
- 114 KB 1972-31 1972-09-18 Grant Grant for Police Teletype Equipment
- 64 KB 1972-40 1972-12-04 Grant Selective Traffic Enforcement Program from Texas Traffic Safety Administration
- 67 KB 1972-41 1972-12-04 Grant Establish comprehensive local Traffic Safety Program
Total : 3040 Page