PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 84 KB 2009-39 2009-11-02 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 54 KB 2011-33 2011-11-07 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 544 KB 2013-35 2013-11-18 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 1 MB 2015-53 2015-11-16 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 581 KB 2017-63 2017-11-20 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 2 MB 2019-85 2019-12-16 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 2 MB 2020-02 2020-01-21 Tax Casting a vote in the runoff election for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 169 KB 1983-38 1983-11-07 Tax Casting city's vote of T. B. Landrum on DCAD
- 464 KB 2024-56 2024-11-18 Tax Casting its vote for a member(s) of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 367 KB 2024-55 2024-11-18 Tax Casting its vote for a member(s) of the Board of Directors of the Kaufman Central Appraisal District (KCAD).
- 298 KB 2021-80 2021-12-06 Tax Casting its vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 284 KB 2023-62 2023-12-04 Tax Casting its vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
- 497 KB 2022-03 2022-01-03 Tax Casting its vote in the runoff election for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 285 KB 2024-04 2024-01-16 Tax Casting its vote in the runoff election for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
- 177 KB 1997-38 1997-11-03 Tax Casting vote for the suburban cities' rep to serve on the Brd of Dirs of DCAD (Dr. Ralph Poteet).
- 195 KB 1987-33 1987-11-02 Tax Casting vote Thomas B. Landrum of Board of Directors Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD),
- 166 KB 1985-30 1985-08-19 Grant CDBG funds for 1985-86 and filing of application for $640,625
- 241 KB 2020-45 2020-09-21 Misc. Celebrating National Senior Center Month and committing to the continued support of services and programs at the City’s senior centers and in the Mesquite community.
- 94 KB 1967-05 1967-02-20 Street - Assessment Center median included when State Highway 352 is construct from Sam Houston Rd. to I635
- 80 KB 1989-20 1989-08-07 Personnel Certifying that the City will provide a drug-free workplace
Total : 3073 Page