PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 1 MB 2017-02 2017-02-06 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 6, 2017.
- 400 KB 1994-06 1994-03-07 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 7, 1994.
- 218 KB 2005-06 2005-02-07 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 7, 2005.
- 2 MB 2016-05 2016-02-01 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 7, 2016.
- 680 KB 2012-01 2012-02-06 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 12, 2012.
- 277 KB 2011-05 2011-02-07 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 14, 2011.
- 161 KB 2004-06 2004-02-16 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 15, 2004.
- 4 MB 2003-04 2003-02-17 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 3, 2003.
- 235 KB 2010-03 2010-02-01 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 8, 2010.
- 72 KB 2009-02 2009-02-02 Election Calling the annual City election to be held on May 9, 2009.
- 691 KB 2013-02 2013-02-04 Election Calling the annual City election.
- 1 MB 2015-04 2015-02-02 Election Calling the annual City election.
- 104 KB 1986-13 1986-04-07 Election Canvas return of General Election 4-5-86, Al Clark
- 258 KB 1994-16 1994-05-09 Election Canvass & declare results of 5/7/94 gen. elect; call runoff elect for 6/4/94.
- 180 KB 1971-10 1971-04-03 Election Canvass election results of 4-3-71 of Mayor and Councilmen Places 1, 2, and 6
- 268 KB 1961-63 1961-12-18 Election Canvass election returns for issuance of bonds
- 180 KB 1983-16 1983-04-02 Election Canvass results of election held 4-2-83 City Council
- 204 KB 1982-06 1982-04-03 Election Canvass results of election held 4-3-82 City Council
- 95 KB 1982-07 1982-04-05 Election Canvass results of election held 4-3-82 Legalize Bingo Games
- 191 KB 1984-09 1984-04-07 Election Canvass results of election held 4-7-84 City Council
Total : 3073 Page