PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 1971-03 0000-00-00
- 62 KB 1984-12 0000-00-00
- 93 KB 1971-30 1971-10-11 Misc. "Mesquite Day" at the State Fair of Texas
- 92 KB 1985-32 1985-08-19 Misc. "Twin Town" in South Australia by Mesquite Sesquicentennial Committee
- 81 KB 1978-27 1978-11-03 Issuance of Bonds $1,500,000 General Obligation Bonds
- 97 KB 1978-28 1978-11-03 Issuance of Bonds $1,500,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds
- 82 KB 1979-29 1979-06-18 Issuance of Bonds $3,500,000 G.O. bonds and $1,000,000 W & S Revenue bonds
- 95 KB 1987-26 1987-08-03 Grant $555,176 Federal funds under Housing and Community Development Act (CDBG).
- 159 KB 1977-03 1977-01-15 Election 1-15-77, Collective Bargaining for police and fire
- 128 KB 1981-05 1981-05-04 Grant 1981-82 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds
- 179 KB 1981-12 1981-09-21 Grant 1981-82 funds for operation of Senior Citizens Buses
- 151 KB 1982-22 1982-08-16 Grant 1982-83 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program $643,289.
- 48 KB 1998-31 1998-09-21 Grant 2nd year funding for STEP Program, DWI Enforcement.
- 99 KB 1981-11 1981-09-21 Grant 3rd year funding Youth Services Program for police department
- 127 KB 1981-20 1981-10-20 Grant 4th year approval of Career Dev. Program for police department
- 45 KB 1998-32 1998-09-21 Grant 5th year funding for STEP Program, Nat'l Maximum Speed Limit enforcement.
- 90 KB 1983-09 1983-02-21 Grant 5th year funding of Youth services Program for police department
- 70 KB 1983-03 1983-01-03 Railroad 6" sanitary sewer line below M-P Railroad tracts (Skyline Commercial Properties)
- 175 KB 1984-02 1984-01-16 Water 8" water main Westwood Ave. from Mariposa and Edinburgh
- 59 KB 2010-16 2010-04-19 Personnel A resolution adopting the restatement of the City of MesquiteÆs Supplemental Retirement Plan and Amendment with VALIC and authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute all documents to implement the plan.
Total : 3080 Page