PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 90 KB 1988-41 1988-08-15 Misc. Support purchase of used equipment and formal bidding procedures
- 96 KB 1988-47 1988-09-19 Misc. Opposition to the motion picture "The Last Temptation ofChrist" being shown.
- 96 KB 1989-02 1989-01-16 Misc. Authorizing Ron Capehart to request registration of police patrol vehicles
- 99 KB 1989-08 1989-03-06 Misc. Support fund for Corps of Eng Small Proj Prog, include elimination of flood hazard along S Mesquite Creek
- 179 KB 1989-09 1989-03-06 Misc. U.S. Congressional Legislation - Anti-drug Program, Resource Counservation, Intersate Sales Tax
- 93 KB 1990-01 1990-01-15 Misc. Authorize Ron Capehart to request registration for exempt police patrol vehicles.
- 179 KB 1990-07 1990-02-19 Misc. Request US Sec. of Defense to reconsider funding for V-22 Osprey Program
- 89 KB 1990-12 1990-04-02 Misc. Approve participation in the Crime Stoppers Prog of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission
- 99 KB 1990-21 1990-05-07 Misc. Endorse dev of Business Retention & Expansion Prog jointly w/Chamber of Commerce & other business groups
- 187 KB 1990-28 1990-06-18 Misc. Support National Endowment for the Arts Reauthorization.
- 98 KB 1991-05 1991-02-18 Misc. Supporting the 1990-91 legislative package of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission
- 435 KB 1991-13 1991-05-20 Misc. Authorize Mayor execute Memo of Agree w/Balch Springs reg bound line Dallas Co Water Cont/Improv Dist #6.
- 218 KB 1991-17 1991-07-15 Misc. Express sympathy to family of Bill Shaw.
- 87 KB 1991-22 1991-08-05 Misc. Authorize CM to execute contract with Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Center in the amount of $11,724.00.
- 94 KB 1992-03 1992-03-02 Misc. Authorize A.C. Grant to request registration of exempt police patrol vehicles
- 190 KB 1992-14 1992-04-20 Misc. Authorize part in TexPool-authorize certain indv to act on behalf of the City re TexPool transactions.
- 172 KB 1992-19 1992-08-03 Misc. Expressing opposition to increasing number of State & Federal mandated programs
- 92 KB 1992-27 1992-09-21 Misc. Authorize CM execute cont w/Univ. of Tex. S/W Med Cntr-$19,542 cont educ/med. dir. for emerg. med. serv.
- 148 KB 1992-33 1992-11-02 Misc. Support relocat of North Tex Reg Trng Cntr-Texas A&M Univ Sys's Ext Serv to prop located in Mesquite.
- 48 KB 1993-02 1993-02-15 Misc. Urge Gov. & Leg to adopt/enact leg providing capital punishment for persons who abuse & murder children.
Total : 3073 Page