PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 8 MB 2014-04 2014-03-03 Election Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Joint Election Contract and Election Services Agreement with Dallas County Elections Department in connection with the annual City election to be held May 10, 2014.
- 710 KB 2014-03 2014-02-03 Election Calling the annual City election to be held May 10, 2014.
- 461 KB 2014-02 2014-01-21 Misc. Declaring a period of amnesty for library fines from February 17 - 22, 2014, to allow for the donation of food to Mesquite Social Services and Sharing Life Community Outreach in lieu of fines and without criminal penalty.
- 2 MB 2014-01 2014-01-06 Personnel A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Tax Saver Plan adding a carryover provision and deleting certain grace periods applicable only to health care expense reimbursements as permitted by the Internal Revenue Service in Notice 2013-71 and amending the maximum employee contribution levels for health care expense reimbursements effective for plan years beginning after December 31, 2012, and notifying eligible employees of the amendment.
- 364 KB 2013-36 2013-12-16 Grant Endorsing the 2013-14 Impaired Driving Mobilization Grant for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with the Texas Department of Transportation.
- 544 KB 2013-35 2013-11-18 Tax Casting a vote for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD).
- 514 KB 2013-34 2013-10-21 Misc. Authorizing the donation to Eastfield College of three surplus computer laptops for use in Eastfield CollegeÆs Criminal Justice Police Academy Program.
- 350 KB 2013-33 2013-10-21 Grant Authorizing the Mayor to execute the 2013 Homeland Security Grant Sub-Recipient Agreements with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency in the amount of $147,798.01.
- 351 KB 2013-32 2013-10-07 Misc. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with the City of Forney to allow the purchase of goods and services.
- 690 KB 2013-31 2013-09-16 Personnel Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an amendment to the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation (ICMA-RC) Retirement Health Savings Plan (ICMA-RC RHS Plan) thereby providing for mandatory contributions from retiring employees to the ICMA-RC RHS Plan Retirement Health Savings Plan, effective October 1, 2013.
- 2 MB 2013-30 2013-09-16 Dallas County Authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Dallas Area Household Hazardous Waste Network Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for Fiscal Year 2013-14 for an amount not to exceed $88,271.00.
- 1 MB 2013-29 2013-09-16 Issuance of Bonds Expressing official intent to reimburse costs of projects.
- 6 MB 2013-28 2013-09-16 Investment Policy Adopting an Investment Policy.
- 366 KB 2013-27 2013-09-16 Grant Endorsing the 2013-14 Speed Safety Grant for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (ôSTEPö) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with the Texas Department of Transportation.
- 383 KB 2013-26 2013-09-03 Misc. Authorizing the donation of a 1988 GMC armored truck to the City of Kyle for the express purpose of law enforcement.
- 436 KB 2013-25 2013-08-19 Misc. Authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an agreement to enter into a Housing Assistance Payment Contract with Sphinx Development Corporation to be utilized at the VillaÆs of Vanston Park.
- 887 KB 2013-24 2013-08-19 Grant Amending Resolution No. 05-2013 by extending the deadline for completion of certain requirements of Section 2 of that Resolution to January 1, 2014, and affirming the City's commitment to support the application of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs low-income housing tax credit allocation to the Villas of Vanston Park Project at 4540 Gus Thomasson Road.
- 6 MB 2013-23 2013-08-19 Dallas County Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Master Agreement Governing Transportation Related Maintenance with Dallas County for future City/County Maintenance Projects.
- 646 KB 2013-22 2013-08-05 Grant Authorizing the filing of an application for an amount not to exceed $923,667.00 for federal funds under the Housing and Community Development Act, approving and adopting the Program Year 2013-14 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan and designating the City Manager as Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative for the purpose of giving required assurances and acting in connection with said application.
- 2 MB 2013-21 2013-08-05 Railroad Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Supplemental Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the reconstruction of the Ebrite Street at-grade public crossing as part of the Quiet Zone Project.
Total : 3073 Page