PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 91 KB 1991-25 1991-08-19 Grant Authorize cont w/SDHPT for Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, National Max. Speed Limit
- 90 KB 1991-24 1991-08-19 Newspaper Designate official newspaper for City for a one-year period beginning 10/1/91.
- 86 KB 1991-23 1991-08-12 Tax Declare results of Spec Elect held 8-10-91-Adopt addl. sales tax of one-half of one percent.
- 87 KB 1991-22 1991-08-05 Misc. Authorize CM to execute contract with Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Center in the amount of $11,724.00.
- 90 KB 1991-21 1991-08-05 Dallas County Support SB 460-encg DC Commissioner's Court to impose addl. $1.50 fee on vehicles registered in Dallas Co.
- 84 KB 1991-20 1991-08-05 State Request State Purc & Gen Serv Comm to include Mesquite in annual Purchasing Contract.
- 361 KB 1991-19 1991-08-05 Grant Authorize file of application $611,112.00 for federal funds under the Housing & Community Development Act (CDBG).
- 177 KB 1991-18 1991-07-15 Election Appointing judges & alternate judges for the August 10, 1991, Special Election.
- 218 KB 1991-17 1991-07-15 Misc. Express sympathy to family of Bill Shaw.
- 95 KB 1991-16 1991-07-15 Tax Express support of adopt of addl 1/2 of 1% sales/use tax to be used to reduce the prop tax rate.
- 226 KB 1991-15 1991-06-03 Tax Approve the DCAD's 1991-92 budget.
- 1 MB 1991-14 1991-05-20 Tax Approve terms & authorize execution of tax abate agree for The Medical Center of Mesq.
- 435 KB 1991-13 1991-05-20 Misc. Authorize Mayor execute Memo of Agree w/Balch Springs reg bound line Dallas Co Water Cont/Improv Dist #6.
- 138 KB 1991-12 1991-05-20 Election Declare results of May 18 Runoff Election to elect Councilmember for Place 1.
- 165 KB 1991-11 1991-05-06 Election Calling a runoff election for May 18
- 166 KB 1991-10 1991-05-06 Election Canvass returns of May 4 election-Mayor & CC for Places 1, 2 & 6, &coll. bargaining
- 411 KB 1991-09 1991-04-15 Tax Calling public hearing for 5/6/91 to consider creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 4.
- 175 KB 1991-08 1991-04-01 Election Appointing judges & alternate judges for the May 4, 1991, General Election.
- 90 KB 1991-07 1991-03-18 Personnel Authorize C M grant pd mltry lve-amt ins no loss wages up to 6 mos to all emp cld actv duty in Persian War
- 457 KB 1991-06 1991-03-04 Election Call elect 5/4/91 for purpose of determining issue of collective bargaining for fire & police employees.
Total : 3073 Page